Section 18 Default Changes

Each new TUFLOW build released has associated Release Notes that contain a description of the new features, enhancements and bug fixes. Released TUFLOW Builds and their accompanying Release Notes can be found on the TUFLOW Website Downloads page.

Currently, releases are denoted by a year and month (for example “2023-03”), representing when the release was first issued. Builds for each release are denoted by two letters starting at AA, therefore the first build for the 2023-03 release is called Build 2023-03-AA. Subsequent builds will be denoted AB, AC, ….

New releases are typically linked to the release of major new features and/or improvements in the computational hydraulic engines. Whilst some changes in results can be expected between releases due to computational engine improvements, the intent is not to have any changes in results between the builds for a release. The default settings are also intended to remain unchanged between builds for a release, but can vary between releases to force users to use the latest advancements. However, users can revert to the default settings and prior computational engine approaches – see the “Defaults ==” commands.

18.1 Post 2018-03 Release

The following section contains the default changes for releases since the 2018-03 TUFLOW release.

18.1.1 2023-03 Release to 2020-10 Release

Table 18.1 outlines the changes made to the default settings from the 2020-10-AF TUFLOW build. Some of these have specific commands to revert behaviour, for others these can be reverted by setting “Defaults == Pre 2023”.

Table 18.1: Default Changes from 2020-10 Release to 2023-03 Release
Description of Change 2023-03 Release Notes Backward Compatibility Command
Change to quadtree handling of inertial parallel to boundary Section 6.4 Quadtree BC Parallel Inertia Approach == Method A
Upper limiting Manning’s n in Wu turbulence calculation Section 5.7.1 Viscosity Coefficient == \(\langle\)C3D, C2D, 99\(\rangle\)
Duplicate Materials IDs Section 2.7.2 No specific command - Defaults == Pre 2023
Duplicate Soil IDs Section 2.7.3 No specific command - Defaults == Pre 2023
Duplicate SA Boundaries Section 6.10.2 No specific command - Defaults == Pre 2023
HPC Weir Approach Section 5.2 HPC Weir Approach == Method A
HPC SX Momentum Section 5.2 HPC SX Momentum Approach == Method A
HPC Boundary Approach Section 6.6 HPC Boundary Approach == Method B
Initial Moisture and Green-Ampt infiltration Section 2.3.9 No specific command - Defaults == Pre 2023
2d_bc QT Point Boundaries (Classic/HPC) Unsupported Section 6.7 No specific command - Defaults == Pre 2023
2d_bc HQ Point Boundaries (Classic/HPC/Quadtree) Unsupported Section 6.8 No specific command - Defaults == Pre 2023
SGS Approach Section 2.2.2 SGS Approach == Method B
SGS Depth Output Section 2.2.1 SGS Depth Output == Exact
Mapping of partially wet SGS cells Section 2.2.1 SGS Map Extent Full == h
High Resolution raster output interpolation method Section 2.2.5 HR Interpolation Approach == Method A
High resolution thin breaklines Section 2.2.6 HR Thin Z Line Output Adjustment == OFF

18.1.2 2020-10 Release to 2020-01 Release

Table 18.2 outlines the changes made to the default settings from the 2020-01-AB TUFLOW build. Some of these have specific commands to revert behaviour, for others these can be reverted by setting “Defaults == Pre 2020-10”.

Table 18.2: Default Changes from 2020-01 Release to 2020-10 Release
Description of Change 2020-10 Release Notes Backward Compatibility Command
Timestepping change Section 6.3.8 No backward compatibility setting.
Quadtree only Wu turbulence fix Section 6.3.7 No backward compatibility setting.
Quadtree only thick z-shapes and boundaries fix Section 3.1.8 No backward compatibility setting.
Vector output at dry Z points Section 7.11.12 Map Output Vector Dry Zpts == ON
Map cutoff for vector output values Section 7.11.13 Map Cutoff Vector == OFF
Support for Classic style HQ curve Section 6.7 HPC HQ Boundary Approach == CELL
Relative filepaths for GIS workspaces Section 7.10.4 GIS Project Path Format == ABSOLUTE

18.1.3 2020-01 Release to 2018-03 Release

Table 18.3 outlines the changes made to the default settings from the 2018-03-AE TUFLOW build. Some of these have specific commands to revert behaviour, for others these can be reverted by setting “Defaults == Pre 2020-01”.

Table 18.3: Default Changes from 2018-03 Release to 2020-01 Release
Description of Change 2020-01 Release Notes Backward Compatibility Command
Turbulence scheme changed Section 5.1 Viscosity Formulation == Smagorinsky
Improvement to dry wall treament for eddy viscosity Section 5.2.3 Viscosity Approach == Method A
Flow depth used for bed friction calculation Section 5.3 HPC Mannings Depth Approach == Method A
Improvement to HPC water level boundaries Section 6.1 HPC Boundary Approach == Method A

18.2 Pre 2018-03 Release

For default changes between releases prior to the 2018-03 TUFLOW release, please refer to the relevant TUFLOW Manual and Release Notes associated with the build of interest. For example, for documentation of the 2017-09 Release, refer to the 2016-03 TUFLOW Manual and 2017-09 Release Notes. The TUFLOW Version Backward Compatibility page of the Wiki also includes a summary of significant changes associated with pre 2018-03 releases.