
The Navigation Panel to the left of the page functions as a live interactive Table of Contents for the manual chapters and associated sections. A list of the figures and tables within the manual is provided below.

List of Figures

Figure 1.1 TUFLOW Quadtree Structure

Figure 2.1 TUFLOW Modelling Concept

Figure 2.2 NotePad++ TUFLOW Syntax Highlighting

Figure 2.3 QGIS with TUFLOW Viewer

Figure 3.1 1D Pipe Network and Embankment Culvert Linked to 2D

Figure 3.2 1D Open Channel Linked to 2D

Figure 3.3 TUFLOW HPC Quadtree Grid (3 Level Refinement)

Figure 3.4 20m grid size shown against the 1m DTM

Figure 3.5 2D Topography Sampling Concept and DEM Interpretation (Traditional vs SGS)

Figure 3.6 Model Convergence with and without SGS

Figure 3.7 Longitudinal Profile without SGS

Figure 3.8 Longitudinal Profile with SGS

Figure 3.9 Cell Size Convergence Concept Example

Figure 3.10 Example of zeroth order interpolation

Figure 3.11 Example of first order interpolation

Figure 3.12 Example of second order interpolation

Figure 3.13 TUFLOW HPC 1D/2D Timestep Syncronisation

Figure 4.1 Example of a Simple TCF

Figure 4.2 Example of a Simple ECF

Figure 4.3 Example of a Simple TGC

Figure 4.4 Reduction of Control Files using Event Management

Figure 5.1 1D Channels, Structures and Nodes

Figure 5.2 All Parallel Conveyance Calculation Method

Figure 5.3 Change in Resistance Conveyance Calculation Method

Figure 5.4 1D Inlet Control Culvert Flow Regimes

Figure 5.5 1D Outlet Control Culvert Flow Regimes

Figure 5.6 Arch Bridge Editor Tool

Figure 5.7 Bradley Weir Submergence Curve (Bradley, 1978)

Figure 5.8 Ogee Spillway Discharge Coefficient, based on Figure 9-23 (USBR, 1987)

Figure 5.9 Adjustment of Discharge Coefficient based on \(H_{e}\)/\(H_{0}\), Figure 9-24 (USBR, 1987)

Figure 5.10 Weir Submergence Curves from the Literature

Figure 5.11 Weir Submergence Curves using Villemonte Equation

Figure 5.12 Schematisation of 1D Piping Failure

Figure 5.13 Schematisation of 1D Dam Failure

Figure 5.14 Example of Pit Inlet Database

Figure 5.15 Road Crossfall Option

Figure 5.16 Flow Expansion/Contraction at a Manhole

Figure 5.17 Change in Flow Direction at a Manhole

Figure 5.18 Change in Inlet/Outlet Height at a Manhole

Figure 5.19 Engelund Energy Loss Approach at Manholes

Figure 5.20 Virtual Pipe Lag Methods

Figure 5.21 Nodal Storage in Open Channel & Pipe Networks

Figure 7.1 TUFLOW HPC 2D SWE Finite Volume Scheme Approach

Figure 7.2 Location of Zpts and Computation Points

Figure 7.3 Effect of Enhanced Dry Boundary Viscosity Term Treatment

Figure 7.4 Redundant Perimeter Sections Reported in the TLF

Figure 7.5 Visual Representation of Data Layering in TUFLOW

Figure 7.6 2D Cell Topography - Traditional Approach

Figure 7.7 Example of Log Law Variation of Mannings n with Depth

Figure 7.8 Example of Log Law versus Constant Mannings n with Depth

Figure 7.9 Example of Materials .csv File Format

Figure 7.10 Example of the Grass.csv file read into the Materials.csv

Figure 7.11 Example of the Trees.csv file read into the Materials.csv

Figure 7.12 Green-Ampt Model Concept1

Figure 7.13 Example of Horton Infiltration Rate over Time

Figure 7.14 Example Soils .tsoilf File Format

Figure 7.15 Flow patterns using 2D FC cells (i.e. a fully 2D solution)

Figure 7.16 Flow patterns using a 1D element connected to 2D SX links

Figure 7.17 Flow patterns using a 1D element connected to 2D HX links

Figure 7.18 2D BG Shape Attributes and Vertical Distribution of Form Loss Coefficient

Figure 7.19 Depth Averaged FLC Applied Using Four Adjustment Approaches

Figure 7.20 CFD benchmarking study of FLC vs \(D_{Pier}\)/\(T_{SuperS}\) ratio (\(h_{B}\)/\(T\) in the original paper)

Figure 7.22 Example of Quadtree Nesting Level Polygons

Figure 7.23 Examples of Automatic Quadtree Refinement

Figure 7.24 Example Showing Removal of Inactive Cells

Figure 7.25 Traditional (non-SGS) Approach

Figure 7.26 SGS Approach

Figure 7.27 SGS Breakline Detection Delta Output

Figure 7.28 Diagram of SGS Z Shape Line Approach Options

Figure 7.29 Diagram of SGS SX Z Flag Approach Options

Figure 7.30 Illustration of soil layers and flows in adjoining cells

Figure 7.31 Non-Newtonian Shear Stress and Velocity Profile

Figure 7.32 Setting FC Parameters for a Bridge Structure

Figure 7.33 Setting FCSH Parameters for a Bridge Structure

Figure 8.1 Cell Cross-hair Selection Approach

Figure 8.3 Example Rainfall Database

Figure 8.4 Example Depth Total Grid

Figure 8.5 Simple BC Database Example (bc_dbase.csv)

Figure 8.6 Example BC Database Source Files (heads.csv)

Figure 8.7 Example BC Database Source Files (flows.csv)

Figure 8.8 Example BC Database Using Event Text

Figure 8.9 Example BC Database Source Files Using Event Text

Figure 8.10 Example DSS File

Figure 8.11 Time-series Curve Example

Figure 10.1 1D/2D Linking Configurations

Figure 10.2 HX Connection: Nested 1D Open Channel Plan View

Figure 10.3 HX Connection: Example of Momentum Preservation across HX Lines

Figure 10.4 HX Connection: Nested 1D Open Channel Section View

Figure 10.5 HX Connection: External 1D Network Boundary Connection

Figure 10.6 SX Connection Options

Figure 10.7 SX Connection: Pipe Network Plan View

Figure 10.8 SX Connection: Pipe Network -Section View

Figure 10.9 SWMM 1D Connection: Culvert

Figure 10.10 SWMM 1D Connection: Pipe Network

Figure 10.11 SWMM 1D / TUFLOW 1D Connection

Figure 10.12 Compatibility of Recent Flood Modeller and TUFLOW versions

Figure 10.13 Schematic of a Multiple Domain Model linked via a 1D Domain

Figure 10.14 Schematic of a Multiple 2D Domain Model using the 2d_bc 2D Link

Figure 10.15 Multiple 2D Domain Model 2D Link Check Files

Figure 11.1 Regular Grid Depth Output (Left) and HR Grid Depth Output (Right)

Figure 11.2 Example Hazard File for User Defined Hazard

Figure 11.3 Adding Triangles into 1d_WLL Layer to Infill Areas

Figure 11.4 Interpretation of PO Objects and Map Output

Figure 11.5 Example of the QGIS TUFLOW Plugin for a Reporting Location

Figure 11.6 Example Use of Gauge Data Output Layer

Figure 13.1 TUFLOW Engine Files

Figure 13.2 Accessing NVIDIA Control Panel from the Desktop

Figure 13.3 NVIDIA GPU Model

Figure 13.4 Check the Website for your NVIDIA Card

Figure 13.5 NVIDIA System Information

Figure 13.6 Accessing Driver Updates from the NVIDIA Control Panel

Figure 13.7 Flood Modeller Settings

Figure 13.8 12D 2D Quick Setting

Figure 13.9 12D TUFLOW Project Editor

Figure 13.10 SMS Settings

Figure 14.1 Example TUFLOW Classic Console (DOS) Display Window

Figure 14.2 Example TUFLOW HPC Console (DOS) Display Windows

Figure 14.3 Filter by Code Number

Figure 15.1 Maximum and Minimum Water Level and Flow Output

Figure 15.2 Example of the ccA GIS Layer Highlighting Culvert Performance

Figure 15.3 Example of the _TS Layer Flow Output

Figure 15.4 Example of the _TS Layer Stability Styling

Figure 15.5 Impact Mapping

Figure 16.1 TUFLOW HPC Minimum Timestep (dt) Map Output

Figure 16.2 TUFLOW HPC.TLF Repeating Timesteps

Figure 16.3 Timestep and Control Numbers plotted from the .hpc.dt.csv

Figure 16.4 TUFLOW Warning 2551 Messages in QGIS

Figure 16.5 TUFLOW RAM Error

Figure 16.6 Influence of 2D Domain Size on RAM Allocation

Figure 17.1 ArcGIS Pro TUFLOW Toolbar

List of Tables

Table 1.1 TUFLOW Modelling Environment

Table 2.1 Supporting Software Options

Table 2.2 Recommended Sub-Folder Structure

Table 2.3 List of Most Commonly Used File Types - Control Files

Table 2.4 List of Most Commonly Used File Types - Input, Output and Check File Types

Table 2.5 GIS Input Data Layers and Recommended Prefixes - 2D Domain

Table 2.6 GIS Input Data Layers and Recommended Prefixes - 1D Domain

Table 2.7 TUFLOW Tips and Tricks

Table 3.1 Recommended 2D Cell Size

Table 3.2 HPC 2D Adaptive Timestep Controlling Numbers

Table 4.1 List of Available Control Files

Table 4.2 Reserved Characters Text Files

Table 4.3 Notation Used in Command Documentation Text Files

Table 4.4 Model Units - Inputs

Table 4.5 List of Available Databases

Table 4.6 TUFLOW Interpretation of Supported GIS Objects

Table 4.7 TUFLOW Interpretation of Unsupported GIS Objects

Table 5.1 1D Channel (Line) Types

Table 5.2 1D Channel (Line) Types - Additional/Optional Channel Flags

Table 5.3 Open Channels: 1D Model Network (1d_nwk) Attribute Descriptions

Table 5.4 1D Cross-Section Table Link (1d_xs) Attribute Descriptions

Table 5.5 Culverts and Pipes: 1D Model Network (1d_nwk) Attribute Descriptions

Table 5.6 1D Culvert Flow Regime Flags

Table 5.7 Computed Values of Modified Energy Loss Coefficient

Table 5.8 Commands for the Blockage Matrix Method

Table 5.9 Example Blockage Matrix File

Table 5.10 Bridges: 1D Model Network (1d_nwk) Attribute Descriptions

Table 5.11 1D Bridge Geometry Table Link (1d_bg) Attribute Descriptions

Table 5.12 Arch Bridges 1D Model Network (1d_nwk) Attribute Descriptions

Table 5.13 Arch Bridge Properties .csv

Table 5.14 Weir Types

Table 5.15 Default Attribute Values for the Weir Equation for Different Weir Flows

Table 5.16 Weirs: 1D Model Network (1d_nwk) Attribute Descriptions

Table 5.17 1D Model Network (1d_nwke) OPTIONAL Attribute Descriptions

Table 5.18 Special Channels: 1D Model Network (1d_nwk) Attribute Descriptions

Table 5.19 Variable Value Types

Table 5.20 Keywords Returned by Status Variable

Table 5.21 Values Returned by ‘Operational Variables’.

Table 5.22 Piping & Dam Failure Channels: 1D Model Network (1d_nwk) Attribute Descriptions

Table 5.23 .toc Commands to Set Weir Flow Equation Parameters in DF Channel

Table 5.24 Pits: 1D Model Network (1d_nwk) Attribute Descriptions

Table 5.25 Pits: 1D Model Network (1d_pit) Attribute Descriptions

Table 5.26 Pit Inlet Database Format

Table 5.27 Q Pit Flow Regime Flags

Table 5.28 1D Manhole (1d_mh) Attribute Descriptions

Table 5.29 1d_nwk Point Object Types

Table 5.30 Nodes: 1D Model Network (1d_nwk) Attribute Descriptions

Table 5.31 1D Model Network (1d_nd) Attribute Descriptions for Nodes

Table 5.32 1D Nodal Area Table Link (1d_na) Attribute Descriptions

Table 7.1 Location (2d_loc) Attribute Descriptions

Table 7.2 Cell Codes

Table 7.3 2D Code (2d_code) Attribute Descriptions

Table 7.4 2D Zpt Commands

Table 7.5 2D Z-Shape (2d_zsh) Attribute Descriptions

Table 7.6 2D Variable Z-Shape (2d_vzsh) Attribute Descriptions

Table 7.7 2D Tin (2d_ztin) Attribute Descriptions

Table 7.8 2D Z (2d_z_) Attribute Descriptions

Table 7.9 2D Materials (2d_mat) Attribute Descriptions

Table 7.10 Materials .csv File Format

Table 7.11 Materials .tmf File Format

Table 7.12 USDA Soil types for the Green-Ampt Infiltration Method

Table 7.13 .tsoilf Parameters

Table 7.14 2D Soil (2d_soil) GIS Attribute Descriptions

Table 7.15 Hydraulic Structure Modelling Approaches

Table 7.16 2D Bridge Shape (2d_bg) Attribute Descriptions

Table 7.17 2D Bridge Shape Points (2d_bg_pts) Attribute Descriptions

Table 7.18 Layered Flow Constriction Shape (2d_lfcsh) Attribute Descriptions

Table 7.19 Layered Flow Constriction Shape Point (2d_lfcsh_pts) Attribute Descriptions

Table 7.20 2D Quadtree (2d_qnl) Attribute Descriptions

Table 7.21 HPC .tsoilf Parameters

Table 7.22 Flow Constriction Shape (2d_fcsh) Attribute Descriptions

Table 7.23 Flow Constriction (2d_fc) Attribute Descriptions

Table 8.1 Recommended BC Arrangements

Table 8.2 HPC Boundary Approach Descriptions

Table 8.3 1D Boundary Condition and Link Types

Table 8.4 1D Boundary Conditions (1d_bc) Attribute Descriptions

Table 8.5 2D Boundary Condition and Link Types

Table 8.6 2D Boundary Conditions (2d_bc) Attribute Descriptions

Table 8.7 2D Source over Area (2d_sa) Attribute Descriptions

Table 8.8 2D Source over Area Rainfall (2d_sa_rf) Attribute Descriptions

Table 8.9 2D Source over Area Trigger (2d_sa_tr) Attribute Descriptions

Table 8.10 2D Source over Area Flow Feature (2d_sa_po) Attribute Descriptions

Table 8.11 2D Direct Rainfall over Area (2d_rf) Attribute Descriptions

Table 8.12 BC Database Keyword Descriptions

Table 8.13 GIS Attribute Details for Cyclone (2d_cyc) layer

Table 8.14 2D External Wind Stress (2d_ws) Attribute Descriptions

Table 8.15 1D Initial Water Level (1d_iwl) Attribute Descriptions

Table 8.16 2D Initial Water Level (2d_iwl) Attribute Descriptions

Table 8.17 2D Groundwater (2d_gw) GIS Attribute Descriptions

Table 9.1 GIS Input Data Layers and Recommended Prefixes

Table 9.2 Global Database Keyword Descriptions

Table 9.3 AD BC Database Keyword Descriptions

Table 9.4 2D Initial Conditions (2d_ad_ic) Attribute Descriptions

Table 9.5 2D Minimum Dispersion Coefficient (2d_ad_md) Attribute Descriptions

Table 9.6 _ADcfl.csv File Columns

Table 9.7 _ADmass.csv File Columns

Table 10.1 SWMM Inlet Usage (swmm_inlet_usage) Attribute Descriptions

Table 11.1 Map Output Format Options - Mesh Based Output Formats

Table 11.2 Map Output Format Options - Options for XMDF Format

Table 11.3 Map Output Format Options - Grid Based Output Formats

Table 11.4 Map Output Types (Excluding Hazard (Z) Types)

Table 11.5 Map Output Hazard (Z) Types

Table 11.6 1D Water Level Line (1d_wll) Attribute Descriptions

Table 11.7 1D Water Level Line Point (1d_wllp) Attribute Descriptions

Table 11.8 2D Gauge Level Output (2d_glo) Attribute Descriptions

Table 11.9 Time-Series (PO) Data Types - Point, Line or Region

Table 11.10 2D Plot Output (2d_po) Attribute Descriptions

Table 11.11 2D Longitudinal Profiles (2d_lp) Attribute Descriptions

Table 11.12 0d_RL Reporting Location Attributes

Table 11.13 2d_GDO_ Gauge Data Output Attributes

Table 11.14 2D Z-Shape Route (2d_zshr) Attribute Descriptions

Table 11.15 RCP Output (2d_zshr) Attribute Description

Table 11.16 Commands used to Control TUFLOW Outputs

Table 13.1 TUFLOW Versions (iSP, iDP, w64)

Table 13.2 TUFLOW.exe Options (Switches)

Table 13.3 TCF commands (apart from Timestep) specific to the TUFLOW HPC solver

Table 14.1 Channel and Node Flow Regime Flags (.eof File)

Table 14.2 Types of Check Files

Table 14.3 MB.csv File Columns

Table 14.4 MB1D.csv File Columns

Table 14.5 MB2D.csv File Columns

Table 14.6 TSMB GIS Layer Attributes

Table 14.7 TSMB1d2d GIS Layer Attributes

Table 14.8 MB_HPC.csv File Columns

Table 15.1 Plot Folder File Descriptions

Table 15.2 _TS GIS Layer Descriptions

Table 16.1 Simulation Summary Healthy Model Indicators

Table 16.2 Quality Control Check List

Table 17.1 QGIS TUFLOW Plugin - Tools

Table 18.1 Default Changes from TUFLOW 2020-10 to 2023-03

Table 18.2 Default Changes from TUFLOW 2020-01 to 2020-10

Table 18.3 Default Changes from TUFLOW 2018-03 to 2020-01


Bradley, J. (1978). Hydraulics of Bridge Waterways (HDS 1, FIWA). Bridge Division.
USBR. (1987). Design of Small Dams [Technology & Engineering]. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, 1987-.