Appendix J ADCF Commands

The TUFLOW Advection Dispersion Control File (.adcf) contains commands related to the TUFLOW Advection Dispersion (AD) Module for simulating depth-averaged, constituent fate and transport. It is read into the .tcf using the AD Control File command. For more information on the .tesf see Section 4.2.13. The Advection Dispersion module is discussed in Chapter 9. The available ADCF commands are detailed in Table J.1.

Table J.1: TUFLOW Classic/HPC ADCF Commands
Command Solver Description
AD Global Database ==
 [ <file> ]
Classic and HPC A pointer to a file containing constituent information (e.g. name and dispersion coefficients). See Section 9.3.3.
AD BC Database ==
 [ <file> ]
Classic and HPC A pointer to a file containing boundary database information (e.g. names of boundary files as mapped to GIS datasets read by TUFLOW). See Section 9.3.4.
Write Mass ==
 [ ON | {OFF} ]
Classic and HPC If set to ON, generates a mass conservation commentary output file. See Section
Write Mass Unit ==
 [ Kg (or Kilogram) | {Tonne} | Gram ]
Classic and HPC Sets the unit for the mass output file if Write Mass is set to ON. See Section
Write CFL ==
 [ ON | {OFF} ]
Classic Only If set to ON, generates a _ADcfl.csv output file with commentary on CFL and Peclet numbers, maximum dispersion coefficients and number of sub-step iterations. See Section
Write Iterations ==
 [ ON | {OFF} ]
Classic Only If set to ON, shows information regarding the simulation time for each constituent. In particular, the number of AD sub-steps needed to be executed to maintain stability under CFL and Peclet conditions is reported. Additional rows are added as required by the number of constituents simulated. See Section 9.2.4.