Appendix I TSCF Commands

The TUFLOW SWMM Control File (.tscf) contains the SWMM input commands, it is read into the .tcf using the SWMM Control File command. For more information on the .tscf, see Section 4.2.14. Setting up a SWMM-TUFLOW model is discussed in Chapter 6. The available TSCF commands are detailed in Table I.1.

Table I.1: TUFLOW Classic/HPC TSCF Commands
Command Solver Description
Check INP Save Date ==
Classic and HPC

Checks that the save date of the SWMM .inp file is later than the save date of the equivalent SWMM GeoPackage GIS layer. This command is very useful for detecting the possibility that a GIS layer has been modified, but not exported as an .inp prior to the simulation. For this check to function, both the .inp and GIS files must be located in the same folder.

For the ERROR option (the default), the simulation terminates and an error message is reported.

For the WARNING option, a warning is written to the screen and log file, but the simulation proceeds without pausing. It remains the responsibility of the user to check for any warnings.

The OFF option disables all checks and no warnings are given.

Refer to Section 6.3 for SWMM GeoPackage GIS layer information.
Inlet Surcharge Orifice Coefficient ==
 [ {0.16} ]
Classic and HPC Specifies the orifice equation coefficient that is used when a 1D SWMM inlet overflows to 2D TUFLOW (1D SWMM pressure head is higher than the 2D TUFLOW water surface elevation). See Section 10.4.2 for more details.
Maximum Inlet Ponded Depth ==
 [ {999} ]
Classic and HPC This command prevents unrealistic SWMM ponding elevations when using SWMM hydrology to convey subcatchment flows directly to pipe network nodes connected to the 2D TUFLOW domain. When the 1D SWMM domain water depth at the node inlet is above the specified value, the ponded volume above this threshold will be transferred to the 2D TUFLOW domain in the next SWMM timestep. Without this command, flows from the 1D to the 2D domain are determined based on the orifice equation. In that form, because of the unrealistic nature of adding the flows directly to the pipe network, this can lead to unrealistically high water levels in ponded SWMM nodes. See Section 10.4.2 for more details.
Output Folder ==
 [ <folder> ]
Classic and HPC The default location for 1D SWMM output is the folder location specified using the .tcf Output Folder command. This command redirects the SWMM combined inp file and all SWMM output data to a non-default folder location.
READ BC <type> ==
 [ <input_curve_1> | <input_curve_2> | … ]
Classic and HPC Reads curves from the BC database using the Name lookup (similar to what would be used in the 2d_bc) and writes them to the SWMM .inp file used for the simulation, into the [TIMESERIES] section if “TIMESERIES” is provided, or otherwise into the generic curves section. For generic curves, the type specified before the “==” becomes the Type specified in the inp. Valid types (<type>) are STORAGE, SHAPE, DIVERSION, TIDAL, PUMP1, PUMP2, PUMP3, PUMP4, PUMP5, RATING, CONTROL, or WEIR. Multiple commands can be used as needed and the simulation events will be used as appropriate. See Section 6.2.5 for more details.
Read GIS SWMM Inlet Usage ==
 [ <swmm_inlet_usage_filename> ]
Classic and HPC This command reads a SWMM inlet usage filename to identify locations and attributes of inlets (pits) that connect the 2D TUFLOW and 1D SWMM models. This feature uses swmm_iu_ GIS layers, as described in Table 10.1.
Read SWMM ==
 [ <swmm_inp_filename> ]
Classic and HPC This command defines the SWMM input (.inp) file for the SWMM simulation. This command can be duplicated to read in multiple SWMM input files. TUFLOW automatically combines the multiple .inp files into a single file for the simulation. If duplicate items, in terms of SWMM item location and “Name”, or alternatively Project–Options, are included in multiple different inp files, the entry that is referenced lowest in the TUFLOW SWMM Control File (TSCF) will be used. See Section 6.1 for more details.
SWMM Iterations ==
 [ {1} ]
Classic and HPC Controls the number of SWMM iterations that are run for each 2D timestep. Increasing the number decreases the timestep used by SWMM, potentially improving model stability, though increasing 1D simulation run time. See Section 10.4 for more details.