Appendix K TEF Commands

The TUFLOW Event File (.tef) contains commands related to Event Management functionality. It is read into the .tcf using the Event File command. For more information on the .tef, see Section 4.2.9. Event management is discussed in Section 13.3.1. All commands listed in Appendix A and Appendix B can be read into the .tef. The additional .tef specific commands are detailed in Table K.1.

Table K.1: TUFLOW Classic/HPC TEF Commands
Command Solver Description
Define Event ==
 [ <event_name> ]
Classic and HPC

Starts a block of .tcf and .ecf commands for an event named <event_name>. Only one block can be specified for each unique event_name. Use End Define to terminate the block. An ERROR occurs if End Define is not specified.

For information on Events, see Section 13.3.1. An example of using Events is given in the TUFLOW Wiki Tutorial 9.
End Define Classic and HPC

Ends the Define Event block of commands. This command must be specified if Define Event occurs within the .tef.

For information on Events, see Section 13.3.1. An example of using Events is given in the TUFLOW Wiki Tutorial 9.