
About this manual

This document is the user manual for TUFLOW CATCH.

How to use this manual


This entire manual’s content can be searched by using the search box at the top of the table of contents pane (i.e. screen top left to the right of the TUFLOW logo). This search box can be toggled on and off by clicking the search icon (magnifying glass) at the top left of any page.

The table of contents is dynamically filtered in response to entering text in the search box, and clicking on any remaining table of contents entry will navigate directly to the searched text. Searched text will be highlighted within a page for easy identification, and multiple instances within one page can be navigated through by using the up and down arrow keys. Clearing the search box will restore the table of contents.


Where appropriate, tables are searchable via use of the search box, which is located at the top right of any search enabled table. Not all tables are searchable. When text is entered into the search box, table rows are dynamically filtered to only show those that contain the search text. This allows on-the-fly condensing of large tables so that only relevant content is presented.

Tables can be sorted alphabetically (or reverse alphabetically) with respect to any column by clicking (and re-clicking) column headers. Where appropriate, the number of rows displayed is selectable via the Show entries drop down. Undisplayed rows can be accessed by clicking Previous or Next or by using the numbered navigation boxes, all of which are located at the bottom of each table.

Below is an washoff1 example of a searchable table. Type “erosion” (with or without the inverted commas) into the search box to see the table behaviour, or change the number of rows displayed and use the navigation buttons at the bottom of the table to look through all the data. The right hand “Links” column sometimes has hyperlinked words that allow navigation between related commands, or different versions of the same command, for ease of access if appropriate.

Command Description Links
Method ==
Used in a material block within a pollutant export model block to set the pollutant export model. Simulation construction section \(\text{ }\)
Depth Threshold ==
Used in a material block within a pollutant export model block to set the minimum cell water depth at which pollutant export can occur. Applies to all pollutant export methods. Simulation construction section \(\text{ }\)
Limit ==
Used in a material block within a pollutant export model block to set an accumulation (washoff model) or erosion (shear model) limit. . Simulation construction section \(\text{ }\)
Rate ==
Used in a material block within a pollutant export model block to set the rate at which a pollutant accumulates to its dry store. Applies only to accumulation pollutant export methods. It is not used for erosion pollutant export models. Simulation construction section \(\text{ }\)
Time Constant ==
Used in a material block within a pollutant export model block to control the rate at which a pollutant is released from its dry store. Applies only to accumulation pollutant export methods. It is not used for erosion pollutant export models. Simulation construction section \(\text{ }\)
Rain Threshold ==
Used in a material block within a pollutant export model block to set the minimum rainrate threshold at which a pollutant is released from its dry store. Pollutant export is suppressed below this rate. Applies only to accumulation pollutant export methods. It is not used for erosion pollutant export models. Simulation construction section \(\text{ }\)
Deposition Stress ==
Used in a material block within a pollutant export model block to set the maximum bed shear stress that allows for deposition to occur. This deposition represents a transfer from a pollutant’s wet to dry store. Deposition will not occur at shear stresses above this value. Applies only to shear stress pollutant export methods. It is not used for accumulation washoff pollutant export models. Simulation construction section \(\text{ }\)
Erosion Stress ==
Used in a material block within a pollutant export model block to set the minimum bed shear stress that allows for erosion to occur. This erosion represents a transfer from a pollutant’s dry to wet store. Erosion will not occur at shear stresses below this value. Applies only to shear stress pollutant export methods. It is not used for accumulation washoff pollutant export models. Simulation construction section \(\text{ }\)
Deposition Velocity ==
Used in a material block within a pollutant export model block to set the settling velocity of a pollutant. This settling represents a transfer from a pollutant’s wet to dry store. Settling occurs at all times in the accumulation washoff pollutant export model. Settling only occurs once bed shear stress drops below the user specified value in the shear stress pollutant export model. Simulation construction section \(\text{ }\)
Erosion Rate ==
Used in a material block within a pollutant export model block to set the erosion rate of a pollutant. This erosion represents a transfer from a pollutant’s dry to wet store. Erosion only occurs once bed shear stress increases above the user specified value. Erosion will not occur at shear stresses below this value. Applies only to shear stress pollutant export methods. It is not used for accumulation washoff pollutant export models. Simulation construction section \(\text{ }\)
Hardware ==
Used in the General commands section of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the simulation hardware. This command can be overwritten in the catchment hydraulic model or receiving model blocks if needed. Simulation construction section 4.5.1. \(\text{ }\)
GIS Format ==
Used in the General commands section of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the GIS format of the simulation. This command can be overwritten in the catchment hydraulic model or receiving model blocks if needed. Simulation construction section 4.5.1. \(\text{ }\)
SHP Projection ==
Used in the General commands section of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the path to the SHP file containing the TUFLOW CATCH model projection. Simulation construction section 4.5.1. \(\text{ }\)
Time Format ==
Used in the General commands section of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the simulation date format. It is strongly recommended that ISODATE (dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss) be deployed rather than hours. Simulation construction section 4.5.1. \(\text{ }\)
Start Time ==
Used in the General commands section of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the simulation start date in the format declared by Date Format ==. It is strongly recommended that ISODATE (dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss) be deployed rather than hours. Simulation construction section 4.5.1. \(\text{ }\)
End Time ==
Used in the General commands section of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the simulation start date in the format declared by Date Format ==. It is strongly recommended that ISODATE (dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss) be deployed rather than hours. Simulation construction section 4.5.1. \(\text{ }\)

Colour coding is often used for distinguishing different tabulated data types. In the above example, TUFLOW CATCH commands are pink and the associated argument options for each command are blue and contained in angled parentheses. Clicking on these arguments will navigate to related content. Colour coding applied to other table types is explained throughout this manual when required.


Where specific commands are described, they appear in highlighted text, and often as a clickable link to the corresponding command description in Appendix A. That Appendix is a searchable table of all commands, as per the demonstration table presented in this introduction. The below is an example of a TUFLOW CATCH command. \(\newcommand{\blockindent}{\hspace{0.5cm}}\)

Catch BC Output Folder ==

Where commands specify parameters (e.g. erosion rates etc.) then for consistency and brevity, these parameters are included directly in the command example using their notation (see following section that describes notation) rather than descriptive words. These notated parameters are also often a clickable link to descriptive explanations in Appendix B. The link below is an example of a TUFLOW CATCH command with a parameter presented in notation form.

CSV Write Frequency Day ==\(dT_{csv}\)

Parameter notation

The primary groups of parameters are listed below, with the letter or symbol used to denote each. Typical generalisations of units are parenthesised.

  • Time steps, \(dT\) (seconds or days)
  • Rates, \(R\) (mass per unit area per unit time, or rain rate)
  • Limits, \(L\) (mass per unit area)
  • Concentrations, \(C\) (mass per unit volume)
  • Time constants, \(T\) (seconds)
  • Water depths, \(d\) (metres)
  • Shear, \(\tau\) (Newtons per square metre)
  • Velocities, \(w\) (metres per second)
  • Erosion rates, \(E\) (grams per metres squared per second)


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