Appendix A Commands

The manual’s introduction should be reviewed for instructions regarding the use of interactive components deployed in this section. All TUFLOW CATCH commands and descriptions are provided in Table A.1.

A.1 Command syntax

TUFLOW CATCH commands are coloured, for example Catchment Pollutant Export Model ==. These can be copied and pasted directly into a *.tcc control file, and arguments added.

A.2 Argument syntax

Descriptions of the arguments expected by TUFLOW CATCH commands (i.e. information provided after the ==) are contrastingly coloured and always included in angle parentheses, as \(\langle\)argument\(\rangle\) . This argument content takes one of the following forms:

  • Single keyword options. Options are separated by semicolons. Options need to be used exactly as written because they are keywords. For example, \(\langle\)Washoff1;Shear1\(\rangle\) describes the available pollutant export models for the command Method ==. An example of implementing this description would therefore be

Method == Washoff1

or for the Material == command, the argument is described as \(\langle\)All;Up to 10 comma separated material numbers\(\rangle\). An example of implementing this description would therefore be either

Material == All


Material == 1, 6, 3

  • Single numeric values. Values are presented using their associated symbol, using the notation described in the manual’s introductory sections. For example, \(d\) describes the single numeric value for the command Depth Threshold ==. These arguments are hyperlinked to other relevant information in this manual. An example of implementing this description would therefore be

  • Recommendations. This is denoted with a rec: prefix \(\langle\)rec: plain text\(\rangle\) that recommends a command argument, such as a file path

A.3 Commands

All TUFLOW CATCH commands and descriptions follow. This page has deliberately been set to be wider than the main document so as to accommodate the detail contained within the table. Tips provided in the manual’s introduction for interacting with the table should be reviewed, especially with regard to searching and navigation. Other tips for use specific to this table include:

  • Commands are coloured and although they show as underlined on mouse hover, these are not hyperlinked
  • Corresponding arguments (presented as their symbols) are coloured and listed in the required order within angled parentheses following each command ==.
  • Each argument is a hyperlink to its description in the relevant Appendix, where appropriate. This description then includes hyperlinks to the relevant science and command syntax (Section 4). This allows easy navigation between command, parameter and scientific information
  • The final text of each description is ‘Simulation construction section …’ and is a link to the relevant part of Section 4 where the command syntax is presented in context. More parameter details and descriptions are subsequently available via further hyperlinks included in the construction section
Table A.1: TUFLOW CATCH Commands
Command Description
Method ==
Used in a material block within a pollutant export model block to set the pollutant export model. Simulation construction section
Depth Threshold ==
Used in a material block within a pollutant export model block to set the minimum cell water depth at which pollutant export can occur. Applies to all pollutant export methods. Simulation construction section
Limit ==
Used in a material block within a pollutant export model block to set an accumulation (washoff model) or erosion (shear model) limit. Simulation construction section
Rate ==
Used in a material block within a pollutant export model block to set the rate at which a pollutant accumulates to its dry store. Applies only to accumulation pollutant export methods, e.g. Washoff1. It is not used for erosion pollutant export models, e.g. Shear1. Simulation construction section
Time Constant ==
Used in a material block within a pollutant export model block to control the rate at which a pollutant is released from its dry store. Applies only to accumulation pollutant export methods, e.g. Washoff1. It is not used for erosion pollutant export models, e.g. Shear1. Simulation construction section
Rain Threshold ==
Used in a material block within a pollutant export model block to set the minimum rainrate threshold at which a pollutant is released from its dry store. Pollutant export is suppressed below this rate. Applies only to accumulation pollutant export methods, e.g. Washoff1. It is not used for erosion pollutant export models, e.g. Shear1. Simulation construction section
Deposition Stress ==
Used in a material block within a pollutant export model block to set the maximum bed shear stress that allows for deposition to occur. This deposition represents a transfer from a pollutant’s wet to dry store. Deposition will not occur at shear stresses above this value. Applies only to shear stress pollutant export methods, e.g. Shear1. It is not used for (nor is it an argument of) accumulation washoff pollutant export models, e.g. Washoff1. Simulation construction section
Erosion Stress ==
Used in a material block within a pollutant export model block to set the minimum bed shear stress that allows for erosion to occur. This erosion represents a transfer from a pollutant’s dry to wet store. Erosion will not occur at shear stresses below this value. Applies only to shear stress pollutant export methods, e.g. Shear1. It is not used for accumulation washoff pollutant export models, e.g. Washoff1. Simulation construction section
Deposition Velocity ==
Used in a material block within a pollutant export model block to set the settling velocity of a pollutant. This settling represents a transfer from a pollutant’s wet to dry store. Settling occurs at all times in the accumulation washoff pollutant export model. Settling only occurs once bed shear stress drops below the user specified value in the shear stress pollutant export model. Simulation construction section
Erosion Rate ==
Used in a material block within a pollutant export model block to set the erosion rate of a pollutant. This erosion represents a transfer from a pollutant’s dry to wet store. Erosion only occurs once bed shear stress increases above the user specified value. Erosion will not occur at shear stresses below this value. Applies only to shear stress pollutant export methods, e.g. Shear1. It is not used for accumulation washoff pollutant export models, e.g. Washoff1. Simulation construction section
Hardware ==
Used in the General commands section of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the simulation hardware. This command can be overwritten in the catchment hydraulic model or receiving model blocks if needed. Simulation construction section 4.5.1.
GIS Format ==
Used in the General, Catchment Hydraulic Model or Receiving Model commands section of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the GIS format of the simulation. This command can be overwritten in the catchment hydraulic model or receiving model blocks if needed. TUFLOW FV does not support GPKG format. Simulation construction section 4.5.1.
SHP Projection ==
 \(\langle\)rec: ..\..\TUFLOW\model\gis\Projection.prj\(\rangle\)
Used in the General, Catchment Hydraulic Model or Receiving Model commands section of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the path to the SHP file containing the TUFLOW CATCH model projection. Can be set globally and then overwritten as needed within Catchment Hydraulic Model or Receiving Model blocks. Simulation construction section 4.5.1.
Time Format ==
Used in the General commands section of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the simulation date format. It is strongly recommended that ISODATE (dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss) be deployed rather than hours. Simulation construction section 4.5.1.
Start Time ==
 \(\langle\)dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss;hours\(\rangle\)
Used in the General commands section of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the simulation start date in the format declared by Date Format ==. It is strongly recommended that ISODATE (dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss) be deployed rather than hours. Simulation construction section 4.5.1.
End Time ==
 \(\langle\)dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss;hours\(\rangle\)
Used in the General commands section of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the simulation start date in the format declared by Date Format ==. It is strongly recommended that ISODATE (dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss) be deployed rather than hours. Simulation construction section 4.5.1.
Output Directory ==
 \(\langle\)rec: ..\output\(\rangle\)
Used in the General commands section of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the location to which all TUFLOW HPC and TUFLOW FV results are written. It is strongly recommended that this be set to the output folder within the TUFLOWCATCH directory, but can be set elsewhere if file size constraints apply. It can be a relative or absolute path. This is not the location for the TUFLOW CATCH intermediate files. Simulation construction section 4.5.1.
Write Check Files ==
 \(\langle\)rec: ..\check\(\rangle\)
Used in the General commands section of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the location to which all check files are written. It is strongly recommended that this be set to the check folder within the TUFLOWCATCH directory. It can be a relative or absolute path. Simulation construction section 4.5.1.
Log Folder ==
 \(\langle\)rec: log\(\rangle\)
Used in the General commands section of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the location to which all log files are written. It is strongly recommended that this be set to the log folder within the TUFLOWCATCH directory. It can be a relative or absolute path. Simulation construction section 4.5.1.
Catch BC Output Folder ==
 \(\langle\)rec: ..\bc_dbase\(\rangle\)
Used in the General commands section of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the location to which all TUFLOW CATCH intermediate files are written. These include TUFLOW FV boundary condition files and blocks, and summed flow and pollutant outputs. It is strongly recommended that this be set to the bc database folder within the TUFLOWCATCH directory. It can be a relative or absolute path. This is not the location for TUFLOW HPC and TUFLOW FV results files. Simulation construction section 4.5.1.
Catch BC Output Interval Nodestring ==
Used in the General commands section of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the timestep (in simulation time seconds) at which lines within a nodestring (Q) boundary condition file for TUFLOW FV (created from TUFLOW HPC predictions) are separated. Simulation construction section 4.5.1.
Catch BC Output Interval Lateral ==
Used in the General commands section of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the timestep (in simulation time seconds) at which lines within a lateral (element, QC) boundary condition file for TUFLOW FV (created from TUFLOW HPC predictions) are separated. Simulation construction section 4.5.1.
CSV Write Frequency Day ==
Used in the General commands section of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the timestep at which boundary condition data stored in memory is written to boundary condition files for TUFLOW FV (created from TUFLOW HPC predictions). Simulation construction section 4.5.1.
Catchment Hydraulic Model ==
Used to define the start of a catchment hydraulic model block in a TUFLOW CATCH control file. This block contains the commands that control catchment simulation of surface (and optionally subsurface) hydrology and hydraulics, and is essentially the contents of a TUFLOW HPC *.tcf control file. It does not include any pollutant export commands. Set the argument to none if only receiving water modelling is to be undertaken through the TUFLOW CATCH control file. This command must be matched with a subsequent End Catchment Hydraulic Model command. Simulation construction section 4.5.2.
End Catchment Hydraulic Model Used to define the end of a catchment hydraulic model block in a TUFLOW CATCH control file. This block contains the commands that control catchment simulation of surface (and optionally subsurface) hydrology and hydraulics, and is essentially the contents of a TUFLOW HPC *.tcf control file. It does not include any pollutant export commands. This command must be matched with a preceding Catchment Hydraulic Model == command. Simulation construction section 4.5.2.
Runs Directory ==
 \(\langle\)rec: ..\..\TUFLOW\runs\(\rangle\)
Used in the Catchment Hydraulic Model block of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the path from which TUFLOW runs are to be automatically controlled by TUFLOW CATCH. This is the directory to which TUFLOW CATCH writes interim *.tcf and similar files, but the user does not need to interrogate or interact with these files - this command simply tells TUFLOW CATCH where the master TUFLOW control files are to be housed. It is not recommended that users interact with any files in this directory, although users will create and modify content in all other directories under TUFLOW if TUFLOW HPC simulations are invoked. This interaction will occur through the TUFLOW CATCH *.tcc control file. Simulation construction section 4.5.2.
EXE ==
 \(\langle\)rec: C:\EXE\TUFLOW\TUFLOW_iSP_w64.exe\(\rangle\)
Used in the Catchment Hydraulic Model block of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the path to the TUFLOW executable. The full path, either relative or absolute, is required, including the name of the executable itself, with the .exe extention. Simulation construction section 4.5.2.
Time Format ==
Used in the Catchment Hydraulic Model block of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the time format of output results. Setting to TUFLOWFV is strongly recommended, and use of hours should be avoided. Should be used in conjunction with Zero Date == so that TUFLOW HPC boundaries can be specified in hours (TUFLOW HPC cannot accept ISODATE format in its boundary files at time of writing). Simulation construction section 4.5.2.
Zero Date ==
 \(\langle\)dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm\(\rangle\)
Used in the Catchment Hydraulic Model block of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the date in TUFLOWFV ISODATE format that corresponds to zero hours in TUFLOW HPC boundary condition files. Seconds is not required in the date specification. Simulation construction section 4.5.2.
Output Map Data Types ==
 \(\langle\)rec: V h d catch\(\rangle\)
Used in the Catchment Hydraulic Model block of a TUFLOW CATCH control file map output command to include all TUFLOW CATCH related outputs. The command argument catch is a keyword and should be added as an output to all hydrologic outputs such as velocity, depth and water surface elevation. XMDF is the recommended output container for these data sets. Simulation construction section 4.5.2.
Receiving Model ==
Used to define the start of a receiving model block in a TUFLOW CATCH control file. This block contains the commands that control receiving simulation of hydrodynamics, advection dispersion, water quality and other optional processes, and is essentially the contents of a TUFLOW FV *.fvc control file. Set the argument to none if only catchment hydraulic water modelling is to be undertaken through the TUFLOW CATCH control file. TUFLOW CATCH will then not invoke TUFLOW FV. This ‘none’ option is required for the Pollutant export configuration. This command must be matched with a subsequent End Receiving Model command. Simulation construction section 4.5.4.
End Receiving Model Used to define the end of a receiving model block in a TUFLOW CATCH control file. This block contains the commands that control receiving simulation of hydrodynamics and other processes, and is essentially the contents of a TUFLOW FV *.fvc control file. This command must be matched with a preceding Receiving Model == command. Simulation construction section 4.5.4.
Receiving Polygon ==
 \(\langle\)rec: ..\..\TUFLOW\model\gis\2d_rp_name_P.shp\(\rangle\)
Used in the Receiving Model block of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the path to a polygon that delineates the downstream receiving waterway extents of a TUFLOW CATCH simulation. This is only used in the TUFLOW CATCH Pollutant export configuration. All TUFLOW HPC cells and boundary conditions within this polygon are excluded from the TUFLOW HPC simulation. TUFLOW CATCH writes flow and pollutant export summary and timeseries files that contain aggregated flows and loads entering the nominated polygon. These data can be used to compare across pollutant export scenarios, for example, without the need to build a TUFLOW FV model or mesh. Simulation construction section 4.5.2.
Pollutant ==
 \(\langle\)Any number of user defined pollutant names\(\rangle\)
Used in the Receiving Model block of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the names of pollutants to be simulated in the pollutant export model. Only used when TUFLOW CATCH is executed in Pollutant export configuration. Any pollutant names can be used in this command, and they do not need to be those that are generated by TUFLOW FV. Simulation construction section 4.5.2.
Pollutant Export Model ==
 \(\langle\)mass accumulation release;none\(\rangle\)
Used to define the start of a pollutant export model block in a TUFLOW CATCH control file. This block contains the commands that control pollutant export. Set the argument to none if only hydrology is being simulated, as per TUFLOW CATCH’s Hydrology configuration. This command must be matched with a subsequent End Pollutant Export Model command. Simulation construction section 4.5.3.
End Pollutant Export Model Used to define the end of a pollutant export model block in a TUFLOW CATCH control file. This block contains the commands that control pollutant export. This command must be matched with a preceding Pollutant Export Model == command. Simulation construction section 4.5.3.
Constant pollutant-name ==
Used in the Pollutant Export Model block of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set a named pollutant pollutant-name concentration to a constant value. The command argument is the value to be set. This value is applied equally to all boundaries and summary files where appropriate. An example might be the setting of salinity in catchment flows as 0.0 g/L. Simulation construction section
Time-series pollutant-name ==
 \(\langle\)bc database name\(\rangle\)
Used in the Pollutant Export Model block of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to apply a named pollutant pollutant-name concentration to a timeseries. The command argument is the name of the timeseries as specified by the user in the TUFLOW HPC boundary database. TUFLOW CATCH will interpolate between the specified timeseries and required frequency of writing outputs as needed. An example might be setting water temperature to be a timeseries that reflects seasonality. Simulation construction section
Material ==
 \(\langle\)all;Up to 10 comma separated material numbers\(\rangle\)
Used in the Pollutant Export Model block of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to apply a material by material pollutant export properties. Up to 10 comma seperated materials can be included in one material block command. Alternatively, the keyword all can be specified and this will instruct TUFLOW CATCH to apply the properties in that corresponding material block to all TUFLOW HPC cells. This is a useful way to set the most commonly occuring conditions for all pollutants across the domain, and acts as a default ccondition. Subsequent Material block declarations for subsets of the entire domain (e.g. for one or more materials) will progressively spatially overwrite this global declaration. This command must be followed by an End Material command to finalise the block. Simulation construction section
End Material Used in the Pollutant Export Model block of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to end application of a material by material block pollutant export properties. This command must be accompanied by a preceding Material == command. Simulation construction section
GPKG Projection ==
 \(\langle\)rec: ..\..\TUFLOW\model\gis\Projection.gpkg\(\rangle\)
Used in the General or Catchment Hydraulic Model commands section of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the path to the GPKG file containing the TUFLOW CATCH model projection. Only used if GIS Format is set to GPKG. TUFLOW FV does not support GPKG format. Simulation construction section 4.5.1.
Preserve Catchment Inflows ==
Used in the Receiving Model block of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to prevent TUFLOW CATCH from overwriting a previously created (non-blank) TUFLOW FV boundary condition bc block file. Used when preliminary TUFLOW FV boundary condition inflows have been generated by TUFLOW CATCH to support initial TUFLOW FV calibration. Avoids the need to continually rerun TUFLOW HPC within TUFLOW CATCH when undertaking only a TUFLOW FV calibration. Simulation construction section 4.5.2.
Runs Directory ==
 \(\langle\)rec: ..\..\TUFLOWFV\runs\(\rangle\)
Used in the Receiving Model block of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the path from which TUFLOW FV runs are to be automatically controlled by TUFLOW CATCH. This is the directory to which TUFLOW CATCH writes interim *.fvc and similar files, but the user does not need to interrogate or interact with these files - this command simply tells TUFLOW CATCH where the master TUFLOW FV control files are to be housed. It is not recommended that users interact with any files in this directory, although users will create and modify content in all other directories under TUFLOWFV if TUFLOW FV simulations are invoked. This interaction will occur through the TUFLOW CATCH *.tcc control file. Simulation construction section 4.5.2.
EXE ==
 \(\langle\)rec: C:\EXE\TUFLOWFV\TUFLOWFV.exe\(\rangle\)
Used in the Receiving Model block of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the path to the TUFLOW FV executable. The full path, either relative or absolute, is required, including the name of the executable itself, with the .exe extention. Simulation construction section 4.5.2.
Catchment BC Nodestring ==
 \(\langle\)rec: ..\..\TUFLOW\model\gis\2d_ns_name_L.shp\(\rangle\)
Used in the Receiving Model block of a TUFLOW CATCH control file to set the path to the GIS layer that contains nodestrings to be used in developing TUFLOW CATCH boundary conditions. The full path, either relative or absolute, is required, including the name of the file itself. Simulation construction section 4.5.4.