Section 5 Simulation execution

5.1 Context

Previous sections have presented the architecture, available processes and construction of a TUFLOW CATCH model. This section describes the overall execution of a TUFLOW CATCH model.

5.2 Execution

In a similar manner to other TUFLOW products, TUFLOW CATCH is best executed from a batch file run within a command window. An example batch file (‘run_catch.bat’) is below. The ‘REM’ command is a commented line ignored by the command window, and the commands are:

  • set exe= : the full path to the TUFLOW CATCH executable
  • %exe% Demo.tcc : calls the defined TUFLOW CATCH executable to run with Demo.tcc as the input control file. The *.tcc can be in the same directory as the batch file (recommended) or can also use a relative path (not recommended).
echo off
REM Windows Batch File
set exe=C:\temp\EXE\CATCH\TUFLOWCATCH.exe
REM Execute
%exe% Demo.tcc

To execute TUFLOW CATCH with the above ‘run_catch.bat’ set up, a command window should be opened in the same directory as the batch file, and the following typed at the prompt:


TUFLOW CATCH will run and results will be written to the specified output folder. See Section 6 for results interrogation.