Section 6 Outputs

6.1 Context

Previous sections have presented the architecture, available processes, construction and execution of a TUFLOW CATCH model. This section describes the results produced by TUFLOW CATCH under the three core supported configurations described in Section 1.3. Hyperlinks are provided to more detailed descriptions of output fields in Appendix C.

6.2 Core supported configurations

The three core supported configurations of TUFLOW CATCH are:

  • Hydrology
  • Pollutant export
  • Integrated

The outputs of these are described in the following sections. In all cases, the TUFLOW CATCH control file is assumed to be named Model_001.tcc. It is strongly recommended that TUFLOW HPC and TUFLOW FV results that are to be used to create a TUFLOW CATCH *.json file for viewing in QGIS are output at the same timestep, referred to as <common_dt> below.

6.2.1 Hydrology Data types

It is recommended that the following data types be set, assuming salinity and temperature are included as constants/timeseries. If not, then catch (TUFLOW HPC) and , sal, temp (TUFLOW FV) can be omitted:


  Map Output Format == XMDF 
  Map Output Data Types == V d h catch 
  Map Output Interval == <common_dt>


  Output == netcdf
    Output Parameters == h,v,d,sal,temp
    Output Interval == <common_dt>
    Suffix == HD
  End Output Files

The following output files are produced in the execution of a hydrology simulation with data types as above. Each is a 2D or 3D (TUFLOW FV) map output that varies in time:

    • Model_001_catchment_hydrology.xmdf
      • Bed Elevation
      • Depth
      • Vector Velocity
      • Velocity
      • Water Level
      • Time of Peak h
      • Bed Elevation
      • salinity
      • temperature
      • velocity
      • vector Velocity
      • water depth
      • water surface elevation Interrogation

The above output files can be viewed either:

  • Individually via the TUFLOW Viewer (File -> Load Results -> Map Outputs), and interrogated using usual TUFLOW Viewer techniques, or
  • Simultaneously via use of the Create TUFLOW Catch JSON function demonstrated in the eLearning material described in Section 4.3

6.2.2 Pollutant export

In this example, it is assumed that two pollutants are simulated (in addition to temperature and salinity), as:

  • PFAS, Washoff1 pollutant export model
  • Tailings, Shear1 pollutant export model

These models have been chosen because they produce different outputs. Data types

It is recommended that the following data types be set:


  Map Output Format == XMDF 
  Map Output Data Types == V d h catch 
  Map Output Interval == <common_dt>

TUFLOW FV is not activated. Files

The following output files are produced in the execution of a hydrology simulation with data types as above. Each is a 2D map output that varies in time. Hyperlinks are provided to detailed descriptions in the appendices for representative pollutants:

    • Model_001_catchment_hydrology.xmdf
      • Bed Elevation
      • Conc PFAS
      • Conc TAILINGS
      • Dry Mass PFAS
      • GW Layer 1 Conc PFAS
      • GW Layer 1 Conc TAILINGS
      • Net Mass TAILINGS
      • Depth
      • Vector Velocity
      • Velocity
      • Water Level
      • Time of Peak h Interrogation

The above output file can be viewed via the TUFLOW Viewer (File -> Load Results -> Map Outputs), and interrogated using usual TUFLOW Viewer techniques.

6.2.3 Integrated

In this example, it is assumed that one sediment fraction and inorganic simulation class water quality are simulated (in addition to temperature and salinity), as:

  • oxygen, silicate, adsorbed phosphorus and phytoplankton as constants
  • all other water quality pollutants, Washoff1 pollutant export model
  • fines, Shear1 pollutant export model
  • salinity, constant
  • temperature, timeseries

These models have been chosen because they produce different outputs. Data types

It is recommended that the following data types be set:


  Map Output Format == XMDF 
  Map Output Data Types == V d h catch 
  Map Output Interval == <common_dt>


  Output == netcdf
    Output Parameters == h,v,d,sal,temp,sed_1
    Output Interval == <common_dt>
    Suffix == HD
  End Output

  Output == netcdf
    Output Parameters == wq_all
    Output Interval == <common_dt>
    Suffix == WQ
  End Output Files

The following output files are produced in the execution of a hydrology simulation with data types as above. Each is a 2D or 3D (TUFLOW FV) map output that varies in time. Hyperlinks are provided to detailed descriptions in the appendices for representative pollutants:

    • Model_001_catchment_hydrology.xmdf
      • Bed Elevation
        • Conc SED_FINES
        • Conc WQ_AMMONIUM_MG_L
        • Conc WQ_DOC_MG_L
        • Conc WQ_DON_MG_L
        • Conc WQ_DOP_MG_L
        • Conc WQ_FRP_MG_L
        • Conc WQ_NITRATE_MG_L
        • Conc WQ_POC_MG_L
        • Conc WQ_PON_MG_L
        • Conc WQ_POP_MG_L
        • Dry Mass WQ_AMMONIUM_MG_L
        • Dry Mass WQ_DOC_MG_L
        • Dry Mass WQ_DON_MG_L
        • Dry Mass WQ_DOP_MG_L
        • Dry Mass WQ_FRP_MG_L
        • Dry Mass WQ_NITRATE_MG_L
        • Dry Mass WQ_POC_MG_L
        • Dry Mass WQ_PON_MG_L
        • Dry Mass WQ_POP_MG_L
        • GW Layer 1 Conc SED_FINES
        • GW Layer 1 Conc WQ_AMMONIUM_MG_L
        • GW Layer 1 Conc WQ_DOC_MG_L
        • GW Layer 1 Conc WQ_DON_MG_L
        • GW Layer 1 Conc WQ_DOP_MG_L
        • GW Layer 1 Conc WQ_FRP_MG_L
        • GW Layer 1 Conc WQ_NITRATE_MG_L
        • GW Layer 1 Conc WQ_POC_MG_L
        • GW Layer 1 Conc WQ_PON_MG_L
        • GW Layer 1 Conc WQ_POP_MG_L
        • Net Mass SED_FINES
      • Depth
      • Vector Velocity
      • Velocity
      • Water Level
      • Time of Peak h
      • Bed Elevation
      • salinity
      • sediment fraction 1 concentration
      • temperature
      • velocity
      • vector Velocity
      • water depth
      • water surface elevation
      • Bed Elevation
        • WQ_AMMONIUM_MG_L
        • WQ_DOC_MG_L
        • WQ_DON_MG_L
        • WQ_DOP_MG_L
        • WQ_FRP_ADS_MG_L
        • WQ_FRP_MG_L
        • WQ_NITRATE_MG_L
        • WQ_POC_MG_L
        • WQ_PON_MG_L
        • WQ_POP_MG_L
        • WQ_SILICATE_MG_L Interrogation

The above output files can be viewed either:

  • Individually via the TUFLOW Viewer (File -> Load Results -> Map Outputs), and interrogated using usual TUFLOW Viewer techniques, or
  • Simultaneously via use of the Create TUFLOW Catch JSON function demonstrated in the eLearning material described in Section 4.3

6.3 Other outputs

In addition to the above, TUFLOW CATCH produces a small suite of supporting outputs that are simple text files. These are listed below, with hyperlinks to the relevant sections of Appendix C that provide more detail. If the TUFLOW CATCH BC output folder is set to ..\bc_dase as recommended:

Catch BC Output Folder == ..\bc_dbase

then all files below are written to the TUFLOWCatch\bc_dbase\ folder.

  • A series of mass balance files
    • Surface water. Timeseries of spatially summed cumulative surface water flow and associated pollutant masses leaving the TUFLOW HPC model (either to a polygon (Pollutant export TUFLOW CATCH configuration) or TUFLOW FV model domain (Hydrology and Integrated TUFLOW CATCH configurations))
    • Groundwater. Timeseries of spatially summed cumulative groundwater flow and associated pollutant masses leaving the TUFLOW HPC model (either to a polygon (Pollutant export TUFLOW CATCH configuration) or TUFLOW FV model domain (Hydrology and Integrated TUFLOW CATCH configurations))
    • Total. Its content is the summation of the data reported in the respective surface and groundwater mass balance outputs
  • A receiving polygon inflows and concentrations. If TUFLOW CATCH has been executed in the Pollutant export configuration, then a timeseries output file is produced that reports incoming flow and concentrations to that user defined polygon
  • TUFLOW FV boundaries. A series of TUFLOW FV boundary related files are written as follows:
    • BC blocks. A single file that contains all required TUFLOW FV nodestring (Q) and cell (QC) inflow boundary BC blocks is written by TUFLOW CATCH. This file is called automatically by TUFLOW FV under TUFLOW CATCH when required. It is at the heart of the automated linking offered by TUFLOW CATCH. Users should not edit this file in any way. This file calls underlying nodestring and/or lateral boundary condition data files produced by TUFLOW HPC, and these are described below.
    • Nodestring boundary data. If TUFLOW CATCH has been executed in the Hydrology or Integrated configuration and TUFLOW FV nodestrings have been specified then individual data files are produced for each nodestring TUFLOW FV boundary
    • Lateral boundary data. If TUFLOW CATCH has been executed in the Hydrology or Integrated configuration then individual lateral data files are produced for each transfer cell boundary