Appendix D TBC Commands
The TUFLOW Boundary Control File (.tbc) includes commands and data inputs to set boundaries and initial conditions, it is read into the .tcf using the BC Control File command. For more information on the .tbc see Section 4.2.6. Boundaries and initial conditions are discussed in Chapter 8. The available TBC commands are listed below and are detailed in Table D.1.
BC Database
BC Event Name
BC Event Text
Blank BC Type
Blank HQ Slope
Global Rainfall Area Factor
Global Rainfall BC
Global Rainfall Continuing Loss
Global Rainfall Initial Loss
If Scenario
Read GIS Streams
Read RowCol RF
Set Variable
Spatial Database
Unused HX and SX Connections
Command | Solver | Description |
Classic and HPC |
Sets the active BC Database file as described in Section 8.6. The file is usually created using spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel. If the BC Database is specified in the TUFLOW .tcf file, it is set as the active database for both 2D and 1D models. However, the active database can be changed at any stage in the .tbc and .ecf files by repeating the command with the new database set as the \(\langle\) .csv_file \(\rangle\). A BC Database must be specified before any of the other BC commands are used. |
Classic and HPC |
Sets the active BC name to be substituted where \(\langle\) bc_event_text \(\rangle\) (see BC Event Text) occurs in the BC Database. See Section 8.6.2 for a description of how the BC event commands operate. This command is normally specified in the .tcf file, and only used in the .tbc file if the event boundaries vary by event within the model. For example, it may be set to “Q100” to read in the 100 year catchment inflows, then set as “H010” to read in the 10 year ocean levels for the downstream boundary. Note that, in this case, the locations of the catchment inflows and downstream boundaries would have to be placed in two separate GIS layers, with each layer read using Read GIS BC after the relevant BC Event Name command as shown below:
Classic and HPC |
Sets the text in the BC Database that is to be substituted by the BC Event Name command value. See Section 8.6.2 for a description of how the BC event commands operate. This command is normally specified in the .tcf file, and only used in the .tbc file if for some reason the \(\langle\) bc_event_text \(\rangle\) value needs to change (this should be very unlikely unless wanting to split the different boundaries into groups). Also see BC Event Text for the .tcf file. This command has been superseded by the .tcf BC Event Source command. It combines the functionality of BC Event Name and BC Event Text into a single command. |
Classic and HPC |
If a blank BC type occurs the value entered is used. If NONE (the default) is specified, a BC type must be assigned to every object in 2d_bc layers. This command can be repeated within the .tbc file as per the example lines below. |
Classic and HPC | A default HQ slope can be specified directly in the .tbc, and can be repeated prior to reading different HQ boundaries (in separate layers). Note, \(\langle\) slope \(\rangle\) will only be used if no boundary name is specified for the 2d_bc HQ boundary (as a specified for the HQ boundary slope is given preference over the name). |
Classic and HPC | Sets the factor applied to the global rainfall after the initial loss and continuing losses have been applied. This is useful if you wish to increase the rainfall within the area covered by the active (Code 1) cells to compensate for areas that contribute to the runoff that out not included in the active model area |
Classic and HPC |
Sets the BC name in the BC database that defines the global rainfall.
Using metric units (default), the rainfall is specified as mm versus time in hours. This is converted
to m3/s and applied as a source versus time (ST). Using This command applies rainfall to all active cells. Therefore, if the rainfall being applied is the same for all cells, this command negates the need to use a 2d_rf layer. If used in conjunction with the commands Global Rainfall Initial Loss and Global Rainfall Continuing Loss to apply initial and continuing losses, The Global Rainfall BC command must occur after the two preceding commands as shown in the example below else no losses will be applied:
Note rainfall losses in the materials files are not applied to global rainfall boundaries. See also the command Global Rainfall Area Factor. |
Classic and HPC |
Sets the continuing loss rate for any global rainfall (note does
not apply to rainfall via Read GIS RF or Rainfall
Control File). Using metric units (default) the rate is mm/h. Using |
Classic and HPC |
Sets the initial loss rate for any global rainfall (note does
not apply to rainfall via Read GIS RF or Rainfall
Control File). Using metric units (default) the value is in mm. Using |
Classic and HPC | Controls which commands to process for different scenarios as specified using the –s run option (see Section 13.3.2 and Table 13.2) or Model Scenarios. |
Classic and HPC | Reads the location and attributes of 2D model boundary conditions as described in Section 8.5.1. Uses 2d_bc GIS layers, as described in Table 8.6. |
Classic and HPC |
Reads the polygons for applying rainfall directly to 2D cells, as described by RF in Table 8.5. Uses 2d_rf GIS layers, as described in Table 8.12. Also refer to the .tbc command Read RowCol RF and the .tcf command Read Grid RF. Negative rainfall values when using Read GIS RF are treated as a loss (e.g. evaporation). No IL/CL values that apply to positive rainfall are applied to negative values. Previously negative values were treated as zero. |
Classic and HPC |
Available Reads the polygons for distributing source flows over the 2D domain(s) as described in Section 8.5.2. Usually used for specifying rainfall runoff (flow) directly onto the 2D domain(s). The “ALL” option is available to apply the flow or rainfall to all Code 1 cells (wet or dry active cells) within the polygon. Not applied to any inactive or water level boundary condition or HX 1D/2D linkage cells. If using the “ALL” option the double precision version may be needed as this is a similar approach to direct rainfall modelling. The “PITS” option directs the inflow only to 2D cells that are connected to a 1D pit or node connected to the 2D domain using “SX” for the Conn_1D_2D (previously Topo_ID) 1d_nwk attribute. The inflow is spread equally over the applicable 2D cells. An ERROR occurs if no 2D cells are found within the region. Two options are available for controlling streamlines (refer to Read GIS Streams), as described in Section
The “RF” (rainfall) option is available to specify rainfall hyetographs (mm versus hours: metric units / inches versus hours: US customary units) instead of flow hydrographs. See Section for more information. Negative rainfall values when using Read GIS SA RF are treated as a loss (e.g. evaporation). No IL/CL values that apply to positive rainfall are applied to negative values. Previously negative values were treated as zero. The “TRIGGER” option allows the initiation of inflow hydrographs based on a flow or water level trigger so that, for example, reservoir failures can be initiated based on when the flood wave reaches the reservoir rather than at a fixed time. See Section for more details. The “PO” option models seepage or infiltration based on a varying water level or flow rate elsewhere in the model. This feature is used to model the seepage of groundwater into a coastal lagoon that was dependent on the water level in the lagoon as observed from long-term historical measurements. See Section for more details. |
Classic and HPC |
Streamlines, as described in Section, allow the user to apply SA inflows along the waterways rather than to the lowest cell (when all cells are dry within the SA region). The Read GIS Streams command can be used one or more times in the .tbc file to define streamline cells. Streamlines are typically line objects, usually representing the path of the waterways. One attribute is required, being the Stream Order as an integer. GIS and other software have the ability to generate streamlines from DEMs, and usually assign a stream order to each stream line. If needed, rearrange (or copy) the attributes so that the first attribute is the stream order one. Point and region objects are also recognised, for a point object the cell in which the point falls is designated as a stream cell. For a region object, all cells with the cell centre (ZC) within the polygon are assigned as stream cells. The stream cells within SA regions are output in the SAC Check file. Note only streams with a stream order greater than zero (0) are used by TUFLOW. Therefore, streams that are not to be used for applying SA inflows can be assigned a stream order of 0 or deleted from the layer. If
Classic and HPC |
Legacy Command. Expand to find out more about the legacy settings.Reads the rainfall cell by cell using just the .mid file (in a similar manner to other Read RowCol commands). The first two attributes of the .mid file must be the row and column of the 2D cell and the next three attributes must be as described in Table 7‑7 of the 2018 TUFLOW Manual. To create this layer, select all ZC points from a 2d_zpt layer, save the selection as another layer, restructure the attributes so that row (n) and column (m) remain as the first two, remove the other attributes, and add the attributes as described in Table 7‑7 of the 2018 TUFLOW Manual. Update the Name attribute to one or more rainfall boundaries. Different proportions of different rainfall hyetographs can be applied by duplicating the layer and having one layer for each rainfall boundary. Also refer to the .tbc command Read GIS RF and the .tcf command Read Grid RF. |
Classic and HPC | See Section 13.3.3. If Set Variable is used in the .tcf, if you wish to refer to the variable in the .tbc, the variable’s name must be bounded by “\(\langle\)\(\langle\)” and “\(\rangle\)\(\rangle\)” characters. |
Classic and HPC | See Unused HX and SX Connections under .tcf file commands. The command can be used several times in a .tbc file to change from ERROR to WARNING and vice versa if a different level of checking is required for different 2d_bc layers. When reading and checking a 2d_bc layer, the latest occurrence of this command applies. |
Classic and HPC | This is an optional command when using the GeoPackage input format. It sets the GeoPackage database to use for subsequent GIS inputs. |