Appendix L SWMM GeoPackage Format

This appendix contains the layers and attributes used in the SWMM GeoPackage format which can be converted to and from EPA SWMM inp files, as discussed in Section 6.3.1.

L.1 SWMM GeoPackage Layer List

Table L.1: SWMM Input layers
Category Input Description Geometry Table
BC Inflows Specifies external hydrographs and pollutographs that enter the drainage system at specific nodes. Point Table L.2
Curves Curves Describes a relationship between two variables in tabular format. No Geometry Table L.3
Curves Timeseries Describes how a quantity varies over time. No Geometry Table L.4
Groundwater Aquifers Supplies parameters for each unconfined groundwater aquifer in the study area. Aquifers consist of two zones – a lower saturated zone and an upper unsaturated zone with a moving boundary between the two. No Geometry Table L.5
Groundwater Groundwater Supplies parameters that determine the rate of groundwater flow between the aquifer underneath a subcatchment and a node of the conveyance system. Region Table L.6
Groundwater GWF Defines custom groundwater flow equations for specific subcatchments. Region Table L.7
Hydrology Adjustments Specifies optional monthly adjustments to be made to temperature, evaporation rate, rainfall intensity and hydraulic conductivity in each time period of a simulation. No Geometry Table L.8
Hydrology Evaporation Specifies how daily potential evaporation rates vary with time for the study area. No Geometry Table L.9
Hydrology Hydrographs Specifies the shapes of the triangular unit hydrographs that determine the amount of rainfall-dependent infiltration/inflow (RDII) entering the drainage system. No Geometry Table L.10
Hydrology Patterns Specifies time patterns of dry weather flow or quality in the form of adjustment factors applied as multipliers to baseline values. No Geometry Table L.11
Hydrology Raingages Identifies each rain gage that provides rainfall data for the study area. No Geometry Table L.12
Hydrology RDII Specifies the parameters that describe rainfall-dependent infiltration/inflow (RDII) entering the drainage system at specific nodes. Point Table L.13
Hydrology Snowpacks Specifies parameters that govern how snowfall accumulates and melts on the plowable, impervious and pervious surfaces of subcatchments. No Geometry Table L.14
Hydrology Temperature Specifies daily air temperatures, monthly wind speed, and various snowmelt parameters for the study area. Required only when snowmelt is being modeled or when evaporation rates are computed from daily temperatures or are read from an external climate file. No Geometry Table L.15
Inlets Inlet Usage Assigns inlet structures to specific street and open channel conduits. Point Table L.16
Inlets Inlets Defines inlet structure designs used to capture street and channel flow that are sent to below ground sewers. No Geometry Table L.17
LID Lid_controls Defines scale-independent LID controls that can be deployed within subcatchments. No Geometry Table L.18
LID Lid_usage Deploys LID controls within specific subcatchment areas. Region Table L.19
Links Conduits Identifies each conduit link of the drainage system. Conduits are pipes or channels that convey water from one node to another. Line Table L.20
Links Controls Determines how pumps and regulators will be adjusted based on simulation time or conditions at specific nodes and links. No Geometry Table L.21
Links Losses Specifies minor head loss coefficients, flap gates, and seepage rates for conduits. Line Contained within Table L.20
Links Orifices Identifies each orifice link of the drainage system. An orifice link serves to limit the flow exiting a node and is often used to model flow diversions and storage node outlets. Line Table L.22
Links Outlets Identifies each outlet flow control device of the drainage system. These are devices used to model outflows from storage units or flow diversions that have a user-defined relationship between flow rate and water depth. Line Table L.23
Links Pumps Identifies each pump link of the drainage system. Line Table L.24
Links Streets Describes the cross-section geometry of conduits that represent streets. No Geometry Table L.25
Links Transects Describes the cross-section geometry of natural channels or conduits with irregular shapes following the HEC-2 data format. No Geometry Table L.26 and Table L.27
Links Weirs Identifies each weir link of the drainage system. Weirs are used to model flow diversions and storage node outlets. Line Table L.28
Links Xsections Provides cross-section geometric data for conduit and regulator links of the drainage system. Line Contained within Table L.20, Table L.22 and Table L.28.
Nodes Dividers Identifies each flow divider node of the drainage system. Flow dividers are junctions with exactly two outflow conduits where the total outflow is divided between the two in a prescribed manner. Point Table L.29
Nodes DWF Specifies dry weather flow and its quality entering the drainage system at specific nodes. No Geometry Table L.30
Nodes Junctions Identifies each junction node of the drainage system. Junctions are points in space where channels and pipes connect together. For sewer systems they can be either connection fittings or manholes. Point Table L.31
Nodes Outfalls Identifies each outfall node (i.e., final downstream boundary) of the drainage system and the corresponding water stage elevation. Only one link can be incident on an outfall node. Point Table L.32
Nodes Storage Identifies each storage node of the drainage system. Storage nodes can have any shape as specified by a surface area versus water depth relation. Point Table L.33
Project Files Identifies optional interface files used or saved by a run. No Geometry Table L.34
Project Options Provides values for various analysis options. No Geometry Table L.35
Project Report Describes the contents of the report file that SWMM produces. No Geometry Table L.36
Project Title Attaches a descriptive title to the project being analyzed. No Geometry Table L.37
Hydrology Infiltration Supplies infiltration parameters for each subcatchment. Rainfall lost to infiltration only occurs over the pervious subarea of a subcatchment. Region Contained within Table L.38
Hydrology Subareas Supplies information about pervious and impervious areas for each subcatchment. Each subcatchment can consist of a pervious subarea, an impervious subarea with depression storage, and an impervious subarea without depression storage. Region Contained within Table L.38
Hydrology Subcatchments Identifies each subcatchment within the study area. Subcatchments are land area units that generate runoff from rainfall. Region Table L.38
WQ Buildup Specifies the rate that pollutants build up over different land uses between rain events. No Geometry Table L.39
WQ Coverages Specifies the percentage of a subcatchment’s area that is covered by each category of land use. Region Table L.40
WQ Landuses Identifies the various categories of land uses within the drainage area. Each subcatchment area can be assigned a different mix of land uses. Each land use can be subjected to a different street sweeping schedule. Land uses are only used in conjunction with pollutant buildup and wash off. No Geometry Table L.41
WQ Loadings Specifies the pollutant buildup that exists on each subcatchment at the start of a simulation. Region Table L.42
WQ Pollutants Identifies the pollutants being analyzed. No Geometry Table L.43
WQ Treatment Specifies the degree of treatment received by pollutants at specific nodes of the drainage system. Point Table L.44
WQ Washoff Specifies the rate at which pollutants are washed off from different land uses during rain events. No Geometry Table L.45

L.2 SWMM GeoPackage Layer Descriptions

Table L.2: Inflows
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Node Name of the node where external inflow enters. Char
2 Type FLOW or <name of a pollutant>. Char
3 Tseries Name of a time series in the TIMESERIES section describing how external flow or pollutant loading varies with time. Char
4 PollutType

<name of a pollutant>:

  • CONCEN: if pollutant inflow is described as a concentration (default).
  • MASS: if it is described as a mass flow rate.
FLOW: Not Used.
5 Mfactor The factor that converts the inflow’s mass flow rate units into the project’s mass units per second, where the project’s mass units are those specified for the pollutant in the POLLUTANTS section (default is 1.0). Float
6 SeriesType CONCEN if pollutant is described as a concentration, MASS if it is described as a mass flow rate (default is CONCEN) Char
7 Factor1 Generally 1 for FLOW; Mfactor for Pollutant - the factor that converts the inflow’s mass flow rate units into the project’s mass units per second, where the project’s mass units are those specified for the pollutant in the [POLLUTANTS] section (default is 1.0) Float
8 Sfactor A scaling factor that multiplies the recorded time series values (default is 1.0). Float
9 Base A constant baseline value added to the time series value (default is 0.0). Float
10 Pat Name of an optional time pattern in the PATTERNS section used to adjust the baseline value on a periodic basis. Char
Table L.3: Curves
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Name Name assigned to the curve. Char
2 Type The type of curve being defined: STORAGE / SHAPE / DIVERSION / TIDAL / PUMP1 / PUMP2 / PUMP3 / PUMP4 / PUMP5 / RATING / CONTROL / WEIR. Char
3 xval An X (independent variable) value. Float
4 yval The Y (dependent variable) value corresponding to X. Float
Table L.4: Timeseries
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Name Name assigned to the time series. Char
2 Frame The name of a file in which the time series data are stored. Char
3 Date Date in Month/Day/Year format (e.g., June 15, 2001 would be 6/15/2001). Char
4 Time Hours since the start of the simulation, expressed as a decimal number or as hours:minutes (where hours can be greater than 24). Char
5 Value A value corresponding to the specified date and time. Float
Table L.5: Aquifers
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Name Name assigned to aquifer. Char
2 Por Soil porosity (pore space volume / total volume). Float
3 WP Soil wilting point (moisture content of a fully dried soil). Float
4 FC Soil field capacity (moisture content of a fully drained soil). Float
5 Ksat Saturated hydraulic conductivity (in/hr or mm/hr). Float
6 Kslope Slope of the logarithm of hydraulic conductivity versus moisture deficit (porosity minus moisture content) curve (dimensionless). Float
7 Tslope Slope of soil tension versus moisture content curve (inches or mm). Float
8 ETu Fraction of total evaporation available for evapotranspiration in the upper unsaturated zone. Float
9 ETs Maximum depth into the lower saturated zone over which evapotranspiration can occur (ft or m). Float
10 Seep Seepage rate from saturated zone to deep groundwater when water table is at ground surface (in/hr or mm/hr). Float
11 Ebot Elevation of the bottom of the aquifer (ft or m). Local values can be assigned to specific subcatchments in the GROUNDWATER section. Float
12 Egw Groundwater table elevation at start of simulation (ft or m). Local values can be assigned to specific subcatchments in the GROUNDWATER section. Float
13 Umc Unsaturated zone moisture content at start of simulation (volumetric fraction). Local values can be assigned to specific subcatchments in the GROUNDWATER section. Float
14 ETupat Name of optional monthly time pattern used to adjust the upper zone evaporation fraction for different months of the year. Float
Table L.6: Groundwater
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Subcatchment Subcatchment name. Char
2 Aquifer Name of groundwater aquifer underneath the subcatchment. Char
3 Node Name of a node in the conveyance system exchanging groundwater with the aquifer. Char
4 Esurf Surface elevation of the subcatchment (ft or m). Float
5 A1 Groundwater flow coefficient (see Equation (L.1) below). Float
6 B1 Groundwater flow exponent (see Equation (L.1) below). Float
7 A2 Surface water flow coefficient (see Equation (L.1) below). Float
8 B2 Surface water flow exponent (see Equation (L.1) below). Float
9 A3 Surface water – groundwater interaction coefficient (see Equation (L.1) below). Float
10 Dsw Fixed depth of surface water at the receiving node (ft or m) (set to zero if surface water depth will vary as computed by flow routing). Float
11 Egwt Threshold groundwater table elevation which must be reached before any flow occurs (ft or m). Leave blank (or enter *) to use the elevation of the receiving node’s invert. Float
12 Ebot Optional. Elevation of the bottom of the aquifer (ft or m). Can be used to override the values supplied for the subcatchment’s aquifer. Float
13 Wgr Optional. Groundwater table elevation at the start of the simulation (ft or m). Can be used to override the values supplied for the subcatchment’s aquifer. Float
14 Umc Optional. Unsaturated zone moisture content at start of simulation (volumetric fraction). Can be used to override the values supplied for the subcatchment’s aquifer. Float

The flow coefficients are used in the following equation that determines the lateral groundwater flow rate based on groundwater and surface water elevations:

\[\begin{equation} Q_{L} = A1 (H_{gw} – H_{cb})^{B1} – A2 (H_{sw} – H_{cb})^{B2} + A3 H_{gw} H_{sw} \tag{L.1} \end{equation}\]


  • \(Q_{L}\) = lateral groundwater flow (cfs per acre or cms per hectare),
  • \(H_{gw}\) = height of saturated zone above the bottom of the aquifer (ft or m),
  • \(H_{sw}\) = height of surface water at the receiving node above the aquifer bottom (ft or m),
  • \(H_{cb}\) = height of the channel bottom above the aquifer bottom (ft or m).
Table L.7: GWF
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Subcatchment Subcatchment name. Char
2 Type

Lateral: to designate an expression for Lateral groundwater flow (to a node of the conveyance network).

Deep: for vertical loss to Deep groundwater
3 Expr

A math formula expressing the rate of groundwater flow (in cfs per acre for lateral flow or in/hr for deep flow (cms per hectare and mm/hr if using metric units) as a function of the following variables:

  • Hgw: for height of the groundwater table
  • Hsw: for height of the surface water
  • Hcb: for height of the channel bottom
  • Hgs: for height of ground surface

Where all heights are relative to the aquifer bottom and have units of either feet or meters (if using metric units):

  • Ks: for saturated hydraulic conductivity in in/hr or mm/hr
  • K: for unsaturated hydraulic conductivity in in/hr or mm/hr
  • Theta: for moisture content of the unsaturated zone
  • Phi: for aquifer soil porosity
  • Fi: for infiltration rate from the ground surface in in/hr or mm/hr
  • Fu: for percolation rate from the upper unsaturated zone in in/hr or mm/hr
  • A: for subcatchment area in acres or hectares
Table L.8: Adjustments
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Format

Temperature: t1..t12

Evaporation: e1..e12

Rainfall: r1..r12

Conductivity: c1..c12
2 Month1

t1: adjustments to temperature in January, as plus or minus degrees F (degrees C if using metric units).

e1: adjustments to evaporation rate in January, as plus or minus in/day (mm/day if using metric units).

r1: multipliers applied to precipitation rate in January.

c1: multipliers applied to soil hydraulic conductivity in January used in either Horton or Green-Ampt infiltration.
3 Month2 As above, for February. Float
4 Month3 As above, for March. Float
5 Month4 As above, for April. Float
6 Month5 As above, for May. Float
7 Month6 As above, for June. Float
8 Month7 As above, for July. Float
9 Month8 As above, for August. Float
10 Month9 As above, for September. Float
11 Month10 As above, for October. Float
12 Month11 As above, for November. Float
13 Month12 As above, for December. Float
Table L.9: Evaporation
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Format

CONSTANT: applies a constant evaporation rate.

MONTHLY: applies a constant evaporation rate per month.

TIMESERIES: applies the specified timeseries.

TEMPERATURE: indicates that evaporation rates will be computed from the daily air temperatures contained in an external climate file whose name is provided in the TEMPERATURE section. This method also uses the site’s latitude, which can also be specified in the TEMPERATURE section.

FILE: indicates that evaporation data will be read directly from the same external climate file used for air temperatures as specified in the TEMPERATURE section. Supplying monthly pan coefficients for these data is optional.

RECOVERY: identifies an optional monthly time pattern of multipliers used to modify infiltration recovery rates during dry periods. For example, if the normal infiltration recovery rate was 1% during a specific time period and a pattern factor of 0.8 applied to this period, then the actual recovery rate would be 0.8%.

DRY_ONLY: determines if evaporation only occurs during periods with no precipitation. The default is NO.

Note: The evaporation rates provided in this section are potential rates. The actual amount of water evaporated will depend on the amount available as a simulation progresses.
2 Evap CONSTANT: constant evaporation rate (in/day or mm/day). Float
3 e1 MONTHLY: evaporation rate in January (in/day or mm/day). Float
4 e2 MONTHLY: evaporation rate in February (in/day or mm/day). Float
5 e3 MONTHLY: evaporation rate in March (in/day or mm/day). Float
6 e4 MONTHLY: evaporation rate in April (in/day or mm/day). Float
7 e5 MONTHLY: evaporation rate in May (in/day or mm/day). Float
8 e6 MONTHLY: evaporation rate in June (in/day or mm/day). Float
9 e7 MONTHLY: evaporation rate in July (in/day or mm/day). Float
10 e8 MONTHLY: evaporation rate in August (in/day or mm/day). Float
11 e9 MONTHLY: evaporation rate in September (in/day or mm/day). Float
12 e10 MONTHLY: evaporation rate in October (in/day or mm/day if using metric units). Float
13 e11 MONTHLY: evaporation rate in November (in/day or mm/day if using metric units). Float
14 e12 MONTHLY: evaporation rate in December (in/day or mm/day if using metric units). Float
15 Tseries TIMESERIES: name of a time series in the TIMESERIES section with evaporation data. Char
16 p1 FILE: pan coefficient for January. Float
17 p2 FILE: pan coefficient for February. Float
18 p3 FILE: pan coefficient for March. Float
19 p4 FILE: pan coefficient for April. Float
20 p5 FILE: pan coefficient for May. Float
21 p6 FILE: pan coefficient for June. Float
22 p7 FILE: pan coefficient for July. Float
23 p8 FILE: pan coefficient for August. Float
24 p9 FILE: pan coefficient for September. Float
25 p10 FILE: pan coefficient for October. Float
26 p11 FILE: pan coefficient for November. Float
27 p12 FILE: pan coefficient for December. Float
28 patternID RECOVERY: Name of a monthly time pattern. Char
29 Value DRY_ONLY: Yes or No. Determines if evaporation only occurs during periods with no precipitation. The Default is No.  Char
Table L.10: Hydrographs
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Name Name assigned to a unit hydrograph group. Char
2 RaingageOrMonth Name of the rain gage used by the unit hydrograph group or month of the year (e.g., JAN, FEB, etc. or ALL for all months). Char
3 Term

Three separate unit hydrographs, that represent the short-term, medium-term, and long-term RDII responses, can be defined for each month (or all months taken together).

Use either SHORT, MEDIUM, or LONG.
4 R Response ratio for the unit hydrograph. The response ratio (R) is the fraction of a unit of rainfall depth that becomes RDII. The sum of the ratios for a set of three hydrographs does not have to equal 1.0. Float
5 T Time to peak (hours) for the unit hydrograph. Float
6 K Recession limb ratio for the unit hydrograph. The recession limb ratio (K) is the ratio of the duration of the hydrograph’s recession limb to the time to peak (T) making the hydrograph time base equal to T*(1+K) hours. The area under each unit hydrograph is 1 inch (or mm if using metric units). Float
7 Dmax Optional. Maximum initial abstraction depth available (in rain depth units). If not supplied then the default is no initial abstraction. Float
8 Drec Optional. Initial abstraction recovery rate (in rain depth units per day). If not supplied then the default is no initial abstraction. Float
9 D0 Optional. Initial abstraction depth already filled at the start of the simulation (in rain depth units). If not supplied then the default is no initial abstraction. Float
Table L.11: Patterns
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Name Name used to identify the pattern. Char
2 Interval

MONTHLY: Used to set monthly pattern factors for dry weather flow constituents.

DAILY: Used to set dry weather pattern factors for each day of the week, where Sunday is day 1.

HOURLY: Used to set dry weather factors for each hour of the day starting from midnight.

WEEKEND: If these factors are different for weekend days than for weekday days then the WEEKEND format can be used to specify hourly adjustment factors just for weekends.

More than one line can be used to enter a pattern’s factors by repeating the pattern’s name (but not the pattern type) at the beginning of each additional line. The pattern factors are applied as multipliers to any baseline dry weather flows or quality concentrations supplied in the DWF section.
3 Factor1

MONTHLY: factor for January

DAILY: factor for Sunday

HOURLY: factor for 0:00AM.
4 Factor2

MONTHLY: factor for February

DAILY: factor for Monday

HOURLY: factor for 1:00AM.
5 Factor3

MONTHLY: factor for March

DAILY: factor for Tuesday

HOURLY: factor for 2:00AM.
6 Factor4

MONTHLY: factor for April

DAILY: factor for Wednesday

HOURLY: factor for 3:00AM.
7 Factor5

MONTHLY: factor for May

DAILY: factor for Thursday

HOURLY: factor for 4:00AM.
8 Factor6

MONTHLY: factor for June

DAILY: factor for Friday

HOURLY: factor for 5:00AM.
9 Factor7

MONTHLY: factor for July

DAILY: factor for Saturday

HOURLY: factor for 6:00AM.
10 Factor8

MONTHLY: factor for August

DAILY: not used.

HOURLY: factor for 7:00AM.
11 Factor9

MONTHLY: factor for September

DAILY: not used.

HOURLY: factor for 8:00AM.
12 Factor10

MONTHLY: factor for October

DAILY: not used.

HOURLY: factor for 9:00AM.
13 Factor11

MONTHLY: factor for November

DAILY: not used.

HOURLY: factor for 10:00AM.
14 Factor12

MONTHLY: factor for December

DAILY: not used.

HOURLY: factor for 11:00AM.
15 Factor13

MONTHLY and DAILY: not used.

HOURLY: factor for 12:00PM.
16 Factor14

MONTHLY and DAILY: not used.

HOURLY: factor for 13:00PM.
17 Factor15

MONTHLY and DAILY: not used.

HOURLY: factor for 14:00PM.
18 Factor16

MONTHLY and DAILY: not used.

HOURLY: factor for 15:00PM.
19 Factor17

MONTHLY and DAILY: not used.

HOURLY: factor for 16:00PM.
20 Factor18

MONTHLY and DAILY: not used.

HOURLY: factor for 17:00PM.
21 Factor19

MONTHLY and DAILY: not used.

HOURLY: factor for 18:00PM.
22 Factor20

MONTHLY and DAILY: not used.

HOURLY: factor for 19:00PM.
23 Factor21

MONTHLY and DAILY: not used.

HOURLY: factor for 20:00PM.
24 Factor22

MONTHLY and DAILY: not used.

HOURLY: factor for 21:00PM.
25 Factor23

MONTHLY and DAILY: not used.

HOURLY: factor for 22:00PM.
26 Factor24

MONTHLY and DAILY: not used.

HOURLY: factor for 23:00PM.
Table L.12: Raingages
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Name Name assigned to rain gage. Char
2 Form Form of recorded rainfall, either INTENSITY, VOLUME or CUMULATIVE. Char
3 Intvl Time interval between gage readings in decimal hours or hours:minutes format (e.g., 0:15 for 15-minute readings). Char
4 SnowCatchDeficiency Snow catch deficiency correction factor (use 1.0 for no adjustment). Float
5 Format Either TIMESERIES or FILE. Char
6 Tseries TIMESERIES: Name of a time series in the TIMESERIES section with rainfall data. Char
7 Fname FILE: Name of an external file with rainfall data. Enclose the external file name in double quotes if it contains spaces and include its full path if it resides in a different directory than the SWMM input file. Char
8 Sta FILE: Name of the recording station in a user-prepared formatted rain file. Only required when using a user-prepared formatted rainfall file. Char
9 Units FILE: Rain depth units for the data in a user-prepared formatted rain file, either inches or millimeters if using metric units. Only required when using a user-prepared formatted rainfall file. Char
Table L.13: RDII
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Node Name of a node receiving RDII flow. Char
2 UHgroup Name of an RDII unit hydrograph group appearing in the HYDROGRAPHS section. Char
3 SewerArea Area of the sewershed that contributes RDII to the node (acres or hectares if using metric units). Float
Table L.14: Snowpacks
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Name Name assigned to snowpack parameter set . Char
2 Type

PLOWABLE: contains parameters for the impervious area of a subcatchment that is subject to snow removal by plowing but not to areal depletion. This area is the fraction SNN0 of the total impervious area.

IMPERVIOUS: contains parameter values for the remaining impervious area.

PERVIOUS: contains parameter values for the entire pervious area.

REMOVAL: describes how snow removed from the plowable area is transferred onto other areas.

The various transfer fractions should sum to no more than 1.0. If the line is omitted then no snow removal takes place.
3 Cmin

PLOWABLE, IMPERVIOUS and PERVIOUS: Minimum melt coefficient (in/hr-deg F or mm/hr-deg C if using metric units).

REMOVAL: Not Used.
4 Cmax

PLOWABLE, IMPERVIOUS and PERVIOUS: Maximum melt coefficient (in/hr-deg F or mm/hr-deg C if using metric units).

REMOVAL: Not Used.
5 Tbase

PLOWABLE, IMPERVIOUS and PERVIOUS: Snow melt base temperature (deg F or deg C if using metric units).

REMOVAL: Not Used.

PLOWABLE, IMPERVIOUS and PERVIOUS: Ratio of free water holding capacity to snow depth (fraction).

REMOVAL: Not Used.
7 SD0

PLOWABLE, IMPERVIOUS and PERVIOUS: Initial snow depth (water equivalent in or mm if using metric units).

REMOVAL: Not Used.
8 FW0

PLOWABLE, IMPERVIOUS and PERVIOUS: Initial free water in pack (in or mm if using metric units).

REMOVAL: Not Used.
9 SNN0

PLOWABLE: Fraction of impervious area that can be plowed.

10 SD100

IMPERVIOUS and PERVIOUS: Snow depth above which there is 100% cover (water equivalent in or mm if using metric units).

11 Dplow

REMOVAL: Depth of snow on plowable areas at which snow removal begins (in or mm if using metric units).

12 Fout

REMOVAL: Fraction of snow on plowable area transferred out of watershed.

13 Fimp

REMOVAL: Fraction of snow on plowable area transferred to impervious area by plowing.

14 Fperv

REMOVAL: Fraction of snow on plowable area transferred to pervious area by plowing.

15 Fimelt

REMOVAL: Fraction of snow on plowable area converted into immediate melt.

16 Fsub

REMOVAL: Fraction of snow on plowable area transferred to pervious area in another subcatchment.

17 Scatch

REMOVAL: Name of subcatchment receiving the Fsub fraction of transferred snow.

Table L.15: Temperature
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Option

Available options:

  • FILE
2 Value Name of file or relevent value. Add additional value columns when required. Char
Table L.16: Inlet Usage
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Conduit Name of a street or open channel conduit containing the inlet. Char
2 Inlet Name of an inlet structure (from the INLETS section) to use. Char
3 Node Name of the sewer node receiving flow captured by the inlet. Char
4 Number Optional. Number of replicate inlets placed on each side of the street. Default is 1 (for each side of a two-sided street). Integer
5 PctClogged Optional. Degree to which inlet capacity is reduced due to clogging (%). Default is 0. Float
6 Qmax Optional. Maximum flow that the inlet can capture (flow units). A Qmax value of 0 indicates that the inlet has no flow restriction. Default is 0. Float
7 aLocal Optional. Height of local gutter depression (in or mm). Default is 0. The local gutter depression applies only over the length of the inlet unlike the continuous depression for a STREET cross section which exists over the full curb length. Float
8 wLocal Optional. Width of local gutter depression (ft or m). Default is 0. The local gutter depression applies only over the length of the inlet unlike the continuous depression for a STREET cross section which exists over the full curb length. Float
9 Placement Optional. AUTOMATIC, ON_GRADE, or ON_SAG. The default inlet placement is AUTOMATIC, meaning that the program uses the network topography to determine whether an inlet operates on-grade or on-sag. On-grade means the inlet is located on a continuous grade. On-sag means the inlet is located at a sag or sump point where all adjacent conduits slope towards the inlet leaving no place for water to flow except into the inlet. Char
Table L.17: Inlets
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Name Name assigned to the inlet structure. Char
3 Grate_Length GRATE: length of the inlet parallel to the street curb (ft or m). Float
4 Grate_Width GRATE: width of a GRATE inlet (ft or m). Float
5 Grate_Type

GRATE: type of GRATE used, options availabe:

  • P_BAR-50: Parallel bar grate with bar spacing 1-7/8-in on center.
  • P_BAR-50X100: Parallel bar grate with bar spacing 1-7/8-in on center and 3/8-in diameter lateral rods spaced at 4-in on center.
  • P_BAR-30: Parallel bar grate with 1-1/8-in on center bar spacing.
  • CURVED_VANE: Curved vane grate with 3-1/4-in longitudinal bar and 4-1/4-in transverse bar spacing on center.
  • TILT_BAR-45: 45 degree tilt bar grate with 2-1/4-in longitudinal bar and 4-in transverse bar spacing on center.
  • TILT_BAR-30: 30 degree tilt bar grate with 3-1/4-in and 4-in on center longitudinal and lateral bar spacing respectively.
  • RETICULINE: “Honeycomb” pattern of lateral bars and longitudinal bearing bars.
  • GENERIC: A generic grate design.
6 Grate_Aopen GRATE: if type is GENERIC, fraction of grate’s area that is open. Float
7 Grate_vsplash GRATE: if type is GENERIC, splash over velocity (ft/s or m/s if using metric units). Float
8 Curb_Length CURB: length of the inlet parallel to the street curb (ft or m if using metric units). Float
9 Curb_Height CURB: height of a opening inlet (ft or m if using metric units). Float
10 Curb_Throat CURB: the throat angle of a CURB opening inlet (HORIZONTAL, INCLINED or VERTICAL). Char
11 Slotted_Length SLOTTED: length of a SLOTTED inlet (ft or m if using metric units). Float
12 Slotted_Width SLOTTED: width of a SLOTTED inlet (ft or m if using metric units). Float
13 Custom_Curve CUSTOM: name of a Rating-type curve (captured flow v. water depth). Char

Table L.18: LID Controls
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Name Name assigned to LID process. Char
2 Type

BC for bio-retention cell

RG for rain garden

GR for green roof

IT for infiltration trench

PP for permeable pavement

RB for rain barrel

RD for rooftop disconnection

VS for vegetative swale
3 surface_StorHt

BC, RG, GR, IT, PP, RD, VS: When confining walls or berms are present this is the maximum depth to which water can pond above the surface of the unit before overflow occurs (in inches or mm). For LIDs that experience overland flow it is the height of any surface depression storage. For swales, it is the height of its trapezoidal cross-section.

All other types: Not Used.
4 surface_VegFrac

BC, RG, GR, IT, PP, RD, VS: Fraction of the surface storage volume that is filled with vegetation.

All other types: Not Used.
5 surface_Rough

BC, RG, GR, IT, PP, RD, VS: Manning’s coefficient (n) for overland flow over surface soil cover, pavement, roof surface or a vegetative swale. Use 0 for other types of LIDs. If value is 0 then any ponded water that exceeds the surface storage depth is assumed to completely overflow the LID control within a single time step.

All other types: Not Used.
6 surface_Slope

BC, RG, GR, IT, PP, RD, VS: slope of a roof surface, pavement surface or vegetative swale (percent). Use 0 for other types of LIDs. If value is 0 then any ponded water that exceeds the surface storage depth is assumed to completely overflow the LID control within a single time step.

All other types: Not Used.
7 surface_Xslope

BC, RG, GR, IT, PP, RD, VS: slope (run over rise) of the side walls of a vegetative swale’s cross-section. Use 0 for other types of LIDs.

All other types: Not Used.
8 soil_Thick

BC, RG, GR, PP: Thickness of the soil layer (inches or mm if using metric units). Optional for PP.

All other types: Not Used.
9 soil_Por

BC, RG, GR, PP: Soil porosity (pore space volume / total volume). Optional for PP.

All other types: Not Used.
10 soil_FC

BC, RG, GR, PP: Soil field capacity (moisture content of a fully drained soil). Optional for PP.

All other types: Not Used.
11 soil_WP

BC, RG, GR, PP: Soil wilting point (moisture content of a fully dried soil). Optional for PP.

All other types: Not Used.
12 soil_Ksat

BC, RG, GR, PP: Soil’s saturated hydraulic conductivity (in/hr or mm/hr if using metric units). Optional for PP.

All other types: Not Used.
13 soil_Kcoeff

BC, RG, GR, PP: Slope of the curve of log (conductivity) versus soil moisture deficit (porosity minus soil moisture) (dimensionless). Optional for PP.

All other types: Not Used.
14 soil_Suct

BC, RG, GR, PP: Soil capillary suction (in or mm if using metric units). Optional for PP.

All other types: Not Used.
15 pavement_Thick

PP: Thickness of the pavement layer (inches or mm if using metric units).

All other types: Not Used.
16 pavement_Vratio

PP: Void ratio (volume of void space relative to the volume of solids in the pavement for continuous systems or for the fill material used in modular systems). Note that porosity = void ratio / (1 + void ratio).

All other types: Not Used.
17 pavement_FracImp

PP: Ratio of impervious paver material to total area for modular systems; 0 for continuous porous pavement systems.

All other types: Not Used.
18 pavement_Perm

PP: Permeability of the concrete or asphalt used in continuous systems or hydraulic conductivity of the fill material (gravel or sand) used in modular systems (in/hr or mm/hr).

All other types: Not Used.
19 pavement_Vclog

PP: the number of pavement layer void volumes of runoff treated it takes to completely clog the pavement. Use a value of 0 to ignore clogging.

All other types: Not Used.
20 pavement_Treg

PP: The number of days that the pavement layer is allowed to clog before its permeability is restored, typically by vacuuming its surface. A value of 0 (the default) indicates that no permeability regeneration occurs.

All other types: Not Used.
21 pavement_Freg

PP: The fractional degree to which the pavement’s permeability is restored when a regeneration interval is reached. The default is 0 (no restoration) while a value of 1 indicates complete restoration to the original permeability value. Once regeneration occurs the pavement begins to clog once again at a rate determined by Vclog.

All other types: Not Used.
22 storage_Height

BC, IT, PP, RB: Thickness of the storage layer or height of a rain barrel (inches or mm if using metric units).

All other types: Not Used.
23 storage_Vratio

BC, IT, PP, RB: void ratio (volume of void space relative to the volume of solids in the layer). Note that porosity = void ratio / (1 + void ratio).

All other types: Not Used.
24 storage_Seepage

BC, IT, PP, RB: The rate at which water seeps from the layer into the underlying native soil when first constructed (in/hr or mm/hr if using metric units). If there is an impermeable floor or liner below the layer then use a value of 0.

All other types: Not Used.
25 storage_Vclog BC, IT, PP, RB: Number of storage layer void volumes of runoff treated it takes to completely clog the layer. Use a value of 0 to ignore clogging. Float
26 storage_Covrd

BC, IT, PP, RB: YES (the default) if a rain barrel is covered, NO if it is not.

All other types: Not Used.
27 drain_Coeff

RB, RD, BC, IT, PP: Coefficient C that determines the rate of flow through the drain as a function of height of stored water above the drain bottom. For Rooftop Disconnection it is the maximum flow rate (in inches/hour or mm/hour if using metric units) that the roof’s gutters and downspouts can handle before overflowing. Optional for BC, IT, PP.

All other types: Not Used.
28 drain_Expon

RB, RD, BC, IT, PP: Exponent n that determines the rate of flow through the drain as a function of height of stored water above the drain outlet. Optional for BC, IT, PP.

All other types: Not Used.
29 drain_Offset

RB, RD, BC, IT, PP: Height of the drain line above the bottom of the storage layer or rain barrel (inches or mm if using metric units). Optional for BC, IT, PP.

All other types: Not Used.
30 drain_Delay

RB, RD, BC, IT, PP: Number of dry weather hours that must elapse before the drain line in a rain barrel is opened (the line is assumed to be closed once rainfall begins). A value of 0 signifies that the barrel’s drain line is always open and drains continuously.  This parameter is ignored for other types of LIDs.

All other types: Not Used.
31 drain_Hopen

RB, RD, BC, IT, PP: The height of water  (in inches or mm) in the drain’s Storage Layer that causes the drain to automatically open. Use 0 to disable this feature. Optional for BC, IT, PP.

All other types: Not Used.
32 drain_Hclose

RB, RD, BC, IT, PP: The height of water (in inches or mm) in the drain’s Storage Layer that causes the drain to automatically close. Use 0 to disable this feature. Optional for BC, IT, PP.

All other types: Not Used.
33 drain_Qcrv

RB, RD, BC, IT, PP: The name of an optional Control Curve that adjusts the computed drain flow as a function of the head of water above the drain. Leave blank if not applicable. Optional for BC, IT, PP.

All other types: Not Used.
34 drainmat_Thick

GR: Thickness of the drainage mat (inches or mm if using metric units).

All other types: Not Used.
35 drainmat_Vratio

GR: Ratio of void volume to total volume in the mat.

All other types: Not Used.
36 drainmat_Rough

GR: Manning’s coefficient (n) used to compute the horizontal flow rate of drained water through the mat.

All other types: Not Used.
Table L.19: LID Usage
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Subcatchment Name of the subcatchment using the LID process. Char
2 LID Name of a LID process defined in the LID_CONTROLS section. Char
3 Number Number of replicate LID units deployed. Integer
4 Area Area of each replicate unit (ft2 or m2 if using metric units) Float
5 Width Width of the outflow face of each identical LID unit (in ft or m if using metric units). This parameter applies to roofs, pavement, trenches, and swales that use overland flow to convey surface runoff off of the unit. It can be set to 0 for other LID processes, such as bio-retention cells, rain gardens, and rain barrels that simply spill any excess captured runoff over their berms. Float
6 InitSat The percent to which the LID’s soil, storage, and drain mat zones are initially filled with water. For soil zones 0 % saturation corresponds to the wilting point moisture content while 100 % saturation has the moisture content equal to the porosity. Float
7 FromImp The percent of the impervious portion of the subcatchment’s non-LID area whose runoff is treated by the LID practice. (E.g., if rain barrels are used to capture roof runoff and roofs represent 60% of the impervious area, then the impervious area treated is 60%). If the LID unit treats only direct rainfall, such as with a green roof, then this value should be 0. If the LID takes up the entire subcatchment then this field is ignored. Float
8 ToPerv A value of 1 indicates that the surface and drain flow from the LID unit should be routed back onto the pervious area of the subcatchment that contains it. This would be a common choice to make for rain barrels, rooftop disconnection, and possibly green roofs. The default value is 0. Float
9 RptFile Optional name of a file to which detailed time series results for the LID will be written. Enclose the name in double quotes if it contains spaces and include its full path if it resides in a different directory than the SWMM input file. Use ’*’ if not applicable and an entry for DrainTo or FromPerv follows Char
10 DrainTo Optional name of subcatchment or node that receives flow from the unit’s drain line, if different from the outlet of the subcatchment that the LID is placed in. Use ’*’ if not applicable and an entry for FromPerv follows. Char
11 FromPerv Optional percent of the pervious portion of the subcatchment’s non-LID area whose runoff is treated by the LID practice. The default value is 0. Float
Table L.20: Conduits
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Name Name assigned to conduit link. Char
2 From Node Name of the conduit’s upstream node. Char
3 To Node Name of the conduit’s downstream node. Char
4 Length Conduit length (ft or m if using metric units). Float
5 Roughness Manning’s roughness coefficient (n). Float
6 InOffset Offset of the conduit’s upstream end above the invert of its upstream node (ft or m if using metric units). Float
7 OutOffset Offset of the conduit’s downstream end above the invert of its downstream node (ft or m if using metric units). Float
8 InitFlow Flow in the conduit at the start of the simulation (flow units) (default is 0). Float
9 MaxFlow Maximum flow allowed in the conduit (flow units) (default is no limit). Float
10 xsec_XsecType

A cross-section shape, the available shapes include:

Circular, Force_main, Filled_circular2, Rect_closed, Rect_open, Trapezoidal, Triangular, Horiz_ellipse, Vert_ellipse, Arch, Parabolic, Power, Rect_triangular, Rect_round, Modbaskethandle, Egg, Horseshoe, Gothic, Catenary, Semielliptical, Baskethandle, Semicircular, Custom.
11 xsec_Geom1

Circular, Force_main, Filled_circular2: Diameter (ft or m if using metric units)

All other shapes: Full height of the cross-section (ft or m if using metric units)
12 xsec_Geom2

Modbaskethandle and Trapezoidal: Base Width

Arch, Horiz_ellipse and Vert_ellipse: Max. Width

Force_main: Roughness

Filled_circular2: Sediment depth

Custom: Shape curve

Parabolic, Power, Rect_closed, Rect_open, Rect_round, Rect_triangular, Triangular: Top width

All other shapes: Not used
13 xsec_Geom3

Rect_Round: Bottom Radius

Power: Exponent

Trapezoidal: Left Slope

Vert_ellipse and Horiz_ellipse: Size Code

Arch: Size Code

ModBasketHandle: Top Radius

Rect_Triangular: Triangle Height

All other shapes: Not used
14 xsec_Geom4

Trapezoidal: Right slope

All other shapes: Not used
15 xsec_Barrels Number of barrels (i.e., number of parallel pipes of equal size, slope, and roughness) associated with a conduit (default is 1). Integer
16 xsec_Culvert Code number from Table A.10 for the conduit’s inlet geometry if it is a culvert subject to possible inlet flow control (leave blank otherwise). Char
17 xsec_Curve Name of a Shape Curve in the CURVES section that defines how cross-section width varies with depth. Char
18 xsec_Tsect Name of an entry in the TRANSECTS section that describes the cross-section geometry of an irregular channel. Char
19 xsec_Street Name of an entry in the STREETS section that describes the cross-section geometry of a street. Char
20 losses_Kentry Minor head loss coefficient at the conduit’s entrance. Float
21 losses_Kexit Minor head loss coefficient at the conduit’s exit. Float
22 losses_Kavg Average minor head loss coefficient across the length of the conduit. Float
23 losses_Flap YES if the conduit has a flap valve that prevents back flow, NO otherwise. (Default is NO). Char
24 losses_Seepage Rate of seepage loss into the surrounding soil (in/hr or mm/hr if using metric units). (Default is 0.) Float
Table L.21: Controls
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Text Determines how pumps and regulators will be adjusted based on simulation time or conditions at specific nodes and links. Char
Table L.22: Orifices
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Name Name assigned to orifice link. Char
2 From Node Name of the orifice’s inlet node. Char
3 To Node Name of the orifice’s outlet node. Char
4 Type The type of orifice - either SIDE if oriented in a vertical plane or BOTTOM if oriented in a horizontal plane. Char
5 Offset Amount that a Side Orifice’s bottom or the position of a Bottom Orifice is offset above the invert of inlet node (ft or m, expressed as either a depth or as an elevation, depending on the LINK_OFFSETS option setting). Float
6 Qcoeff Discharge coefficient (unitless). Float
7 Gated YES if a flap gate prevents reverse flow, NO if not (default is NO). Char
8 CloseTime Time in decimal hours to open a fully closed orifice (or close a fully open one). Use 0 if the orifice can open/close instantaneously. Float
9 xsec_XsecType The only allowable shapes are CIRCULAR and RECT_CLOSED (closed rectangular). Char
10 xsec_Geom1

Circular: Diameter (ft or m)

Rect_Closed: Full height of the cross-section (ft or m if using metric units)
11 xsec_Geom2

Circular: Not used

Rect_closed: Top width
12 xsec_Geom3 Not used Float
13 xsec_Geom4 Not used Float
14 xsec_Barrels Number of barrels (i.e., number of parallel pipes of equal size, slope, and roughness) associated with a conduit (default is 1). Integer
15 xsec_Culvert Code number from Table A.10 for the conduit’s inlet geometry if it is a culvert subject to possible inlet flow control (leave blank otherwise). Char
16 xsec_Curve Name of a Shape Curve in the CURVES section that defines how cross-section width varies with depth. Char
17 xsec_Tsect Name of an entry in the TRANSECTS section that describes the cross-section geometry of an irregular channel. Char
18 xsec_Street Name of an entry in the STREETS section that describes the cross-section geometry of a street. Char
Table L.23: Outlets
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Name Name assigned to outlet link. Char
2 From Node Name of the outlet’s inlet node. Char
3 To Node Name of the outlet’s outlet node. Char
4 Offset Amount that the outlet is offset above the invert of its inlet node (ft or m, expressed as either a depth or as an elevation, depending on the LINK_OFFSETS option setting). Float
6 QCurve Name of the rating curve listed in the CURVES section that describes outflow rate (flow units) as a function of: - water depth above the offset elevation at the inlet node (ft or m if using metric units) for a TABULAR/DEPTH outlet. - head difference (ft or m) between the inlet and outflow nodes for a TABULAR/HEAD outlet. Char
7 C1 Coefficient of a power function that relates outflow to: - water depth (ft or m if using metric units) above the offset elevation at the inlet node for a FUNCTIONAL/DEPTH outlet. - head difference  (ft or m if using metric units) between the inlet and outflow nodes for a FUNCTIONAL/HEAD outlet. Float
8 C2 Exponent of a power function that relates outflow to: - water depth (ft or m if using metric units) above the offset elevation at the inlet node for a FUNCTIONAL/DEPTH outlet. - head difference  (ft or m if using metric units) between the inlet and outflow nodes for a FUNCTIONAL/HEAD outlet. Float
9 Gated YES if a flap gate prevents reverse flow, NO if not (default is NO). Char
Table L.24: Pumps
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Name Name assigned to pump link. Char
2 From Node Name of the pump’s inlet node. Char
3 To Node Name of the pump’s outlet node. Char
4 Pcurve

Name of a pump curve listed in the CURVES section of the input. A pump curve describes the relation between a pump’s flow rate and conditions at its inlet and outlet nodes. The following types of pump curves are supported:

  • Type1: An off-line pump with a wet well where flow increases incrementally with available wet well volume.
  • Type2: An in-line pump where flow increases incrementally with inlet node depth.
  • Type3: An in-line pump where flow varies continuously with head difference between the inlet and outlet nodes.
  • Type4: A variable speed in-line pump where flow varies continuously with inlet node depth.
  • Type5: A variable speed version of the Type3 pump where the head v. flow curve shifts position as the speed setting changes.
  • Ideal: A transfer pump that does not require a pump curve and is used mainly for preliminary design. Its flow rate equals the inflow rate to its inlet node no matter what the head difference is between its inlet and outlet nodes. Use an asterisk (*) as the value for Pcurve.
5 Status Pump’s status at the start of the simulation (either ON or OFF; default is ON). Char
6 Startup Depth at the inlet node when the pump turns on (ft or m if using metric units) (default is 0). Float
7 Shutoff Depth at inlet node when the pump shuts off (ft or m if using metric units) (default is 0). Float
Table L.25: Streets
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Name Name assigned to the street cross-section. Char
2 Tcrown Distance from street’s curb to its crown (ft or m if using metric units). Float
3 Hcurb Curb height (ft or m if using metric units). Float
4 Sx Street cross slope (%). Float
5 nRoad Manning’s roughness coefficient (n) of the road surface Float
6 a Gutter depression height (in or mm if using metric units) (default = 0). Float
7 W Depressed gutter width (ft or m if using metric units) (default = 0). Float
8 Sides 1 for single sided street or 2 for two-sided street (default = 2). Integer
9 Tback Street backing width (ft or m if using metric units) (default = 0). Float
10 Sback Street backing slope (%) (default = 0). Float
11 nBack Street backing Manning’s roughness coefficient (n) (default = 0). Float
Table L.26: Transects
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Name Name assigned to the transect. Char
2 Xleft Station position which ends the left overbank portion of the channel (ft or m if using metric units). Char
3 Xright Station position which begins the right overbank portion of the channel (ft or m if using metric units). Char
4 Lfactor Meander modifier that represents the ratio of the length of a meandering main channel to the length of the overbank area that surrounds it (use 0 if not applicable). Char
5 Wfactor Factor by which distances between stations should be multiplied to increase (or decrease) the width of the channel (enter 0 if not applicable). Char
6 Eoffset Amount to be added (or subtracted) from the elevation of each station (ft or m if using metric units). Char
7 Nleft Manning’s roughness coefficient (n) of right overbank portion of channel (use 0 if no change from previous NC line). Char
8 Nright Manning’s roughness coefficient (n) of right overbank portion of channel (use 0 if no change from previous NC line. Char
9 Nchan1 Manning’s roughness coefficient (n) of main channel portion of channel (use 0 if no change from previous NC line. Char
Table L.27: Transects Coordinates
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Name Name assigned to the transect. Char
2 Elev Elevation of the channel bottom at a cross-section station relative to some fixed reference (ft or m if using metric units). Float
3 Station Distance of a cross-section station from some fixed reference (ft or m if using metric units). Float
Table L.28: Weirs
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Name Name assigned to weir link. Char
2 From Node Name of the weir’s inlet node. Char
3 To Node Name of the weir’s outlet node. Char
5 CrestHt Amount that the weir’s opening is offset above the invert of inlet node (ft or m if using metric units, expressed as either a depth or as an elevation, depending on the LINK_OFFSETS option setting). Float
6 Cd Weir discharge coefficient (for CFS if using US flow units or CMS if using metric flow units). Float
7 Gated YES if a flap gate prevents reverse flow, NO if not (default is NO). Char
8 EC Number of end contractions for a TRANSVERSE or TRAPEZOIDAL weir (default is 0). Char
9 Cd2 Discharge coefficient for the triangular ends of a TRAPEZOIDAL weir (for CFS if using US flow units or CMS if using metric flow units) (default is the value of Cd). Float
10 Sur YES if the weir can surcharge (have an upstream water level higher than the height of the weir’s opening); NO if it cannot (default is YES). Char
11 Road_Width Applies only to ROADWAY weirs. Width of road lanes and shoulders for a ROADWAY weir (ft or m if using metric units). Float
12 Road_Surf Applies only to ROADWAY weirs. Type of road surface for a ROADWAY weir: PAVED or GRAVEL. Char
13 xsec_XsecType

A cross-section shape. The following shapes must be used with each type of weir:

  • Transverse: RECT_OPEN
  • Sideflow: RECT_OPEN
  • Trapezoidal: TRAPEZOIDAL
  • Roadway: RECT_OPEN
The ROADWAY weir is a broad crested rectangular weir used model roadway crossings usually in conjunction with culvert-type conduits. It uses the FHWA HDS-5 method to determine a discharge coefficient as a function of flow depth and roadway width and surface. If no roadway data are provided then the weir behaves as a TRANSVERSE weir with Cd as its discharge coefficient. Note that if roadway data are provided, then values for the other optional weir parameters (NO for Gated, 0 for EC, 0 for Cd2, and NO for Sur) must be entered even though they do not apply to ROADWAY weirs.
14 xsec_Geom1 Full height of the cross-section (ft or m if using metric units) Float
15 xsec_Geom2

Trapezoidal: Base Width

Rect_open and Triangular: Top width
16 xsec_Geom3

Trapezoidal: Left Slope

Rect_open and Triangular: Not used
17 xsec_Geom4

Trapezoidal: Right slope

All other shapes: Not used
18 xsec_Barrels Number of barrels (i.e., number of parallel pipes of equal size, slope, and roughness) associated with a conduit (default is 1). Integer
19 xsec_Culvert Code number from Table A.10 for the conduit’s inlet geometry if it is a culvert subject to possible inlet flow control (leave blank otherwise). Char
20 xsec_Curve Name of a Shape Curve in the CURVES section that defines how cross-section width varies with depth. Char
21 xsec_Tsect Name of an entry in the TRANSECTS section that describes the cross-section geometry of an irregular channel. Char
22 xsec_Street Name of an entry in the STREETS section that describes the cross-section geometry of a street. Char
Table L.29: Dividers
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Name Name assigned to divider node. Char
2 Elev Node’s invert elevation (ft or m if using metric units). Float
3 DivLink Name of the link to which flow is diverted. Char
5 Qmin

CUTOFF and WEIR: flow at which diversion begins (flow units).

6 Dcurve

TABULAR: name of a curve that relates diverted flow to total flow.

7 Ht

WEIR: height of a WEIR divider (ft or m).

8 Cd

WEIR: discharge coefficient for a WEIR divider.

9 Ymax OVERFLOW, CUTOFF, TABULAR and WEIR: depth from the ground to the node’s invert elevation (ft or m if using metric units) (default is 0). Float
10 Y0 OVERFLOW, CUTOFF, TABULAR and WEIR: water depth at the start of the simulation (ft or m if using metric units) (default is 0). Float
11 Ysur OVERFLOW, CUTOFF, TABULAR and WEIR: maximum additional pressure head above the ground elevation that the node can sustain under surcharge conditions (ft or m if using metric units) (default is 0). Float
12 Apond OVERFLOW, CUTOFF, TABULAR and WEIR: area subjected to surface ponding once water depth exceeds Ymax + Ysur  (ft2 or m2 if using metric units) (default is 0). Float
Table L.30: DWF
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Node Name of a node where dry weather flow enters. Char
2 Type Keyword FLOW for flow or a pollutant name for a quality constituent. Char
3 Base Average baseline value for corresponding constituent  (flow or concentration units). The actual dry weather input will equal the product of the baseline value and any adjustment factors supplied by the specified patterns. If not supplied, an adjustment factor defaults to 1.0. Float
4 Pat1 Name of first time pattern appearing in the PATTERNS section. The patterns can be any combination of monthly, daily, hourly and weekend hourly patterns, listed in any order. See the PATTERNS section for more details. Char
5 Pat2 Name of second time pattern appearing in the PATTERNS section. The patterns can be any combination of monthly, daily, hourly and weekend hourly patterns, listed in any order. See the PATTERNS section for more details. Char
6 Pat3 Name of third time pattern appearing in the PATTERNS section. The patterns can be any combination of monthly, daily, hourly and weekend hourly patterns, listed in any order. See the PATTERNS section for more details. Char
7 Pat4 Name of fourth time pattern appearing in the PATTERNS section. The patterns can be any combination of monthly, daily, hourly and weekend hourly patterns, listed in any order. See the PATTERNS section for more details. Char
Table L.31: Junctions
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Name Name assigned to junction node. Char
2 Elev Elevation of the junction’s invert (ft or m if using metric units). Float
3 Ymax

Depth from ground to invert elevation (ft or m if using metric units). Default is 0.

If Ymax is 0 then SWMM sets the junction’s maximum depth to the distance from its invert to the top of the highest connecting link.
4 Y0 Water depth at the start of the simulation (ft or m if using metric units). Default is 0. Float
5 Ysur

Maximum additional pressure head above the ground elevation that the junction can sustain under surcharge conditions (ft or m if using metric units). Default is 0.

If the junction is part of a force main section of the system then set Ysur to the maximum pressure that the system can sustain.
6 Apond

Area subjected to surface ponding once water depth exceeds Ymax + Ysur (ft2 or m2 if using metric units). Default is 0.

Surface ponding can only occur when Apond is non-zero and the ALLOW_PONDING analysis option is turned on.
Table L.32: Outfalls
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Name Name assigned to outfall node. Char
2 Elev Node’s invert elevation (ft or m if using metric units). Float
4 Stage

FIXED: Elevation of a fixed stage outfall (ft or m).

5 Tcurve

TIDAL: Name of a curve in the CURVES section containing tidal height (i.e., outfall stage) v. hour of day over a complete tidal cycle.

6 Tseries

TIMESERIES: Name of a time series in TIMESERIES section that describes how outfall stage varies with time.

7 Gated YES or NO depending on whether a flap gate is present that prevents reverse flow. The default is NO. Char
8 RouteTo Optional. Name of a subcatchment that receives the outfall’s discharge. The default is not to route the outfall’s discharge. Char
Table L.33: Storage
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Name Name assigned to storage node. Char
2 Elev Node’s invert elevation (ft or m if using metric units). Float
3 Ymax Water depth when the storage node is full (ft or m if using metric units). Float
4 Y0 Water depth at the start of the simulation (ft or m if using metric units). Float






6 Acurve Name of a curve in the CURVES section that relates surface area (ft2 or m2 if using metric units) to depth (ft or m if using metric units) for TABULAR geometry. Char
7 A1 Coefficient of a FUNCTIONAL relation between surface area and depth. Where Area = A0 + A1*DepthA2. Float
8 A2 Exponent of a FUNCTIONAL relation between surface area and depth. Float
9 A0 Constant of a FUNCTIONAL relation between surface area and depth. Float
10 L

CYLINDRICAL: major axis length

CONICAL: major axis length of base

PARABOLOID: major axis length at full height

PYRAMIDAL: base length
11 W

CYLINDRICAL: major axis width

CONICAL: major axis width of base

PARABOLOID: minor axis width at full height

PYRAMIDAL: base width
12 Z


CONICAL: side slope (run/rise)

PARABOLOID: full height

PYRAMIDAL: side slope (run/rise)
13 Ysur Maximum additional pressure head above full depth that a closed storage unit can sustain under surcharge conditions (ft or m if using metric units) (default is 0). Float
14 Fevap Fraction of potential evaporation from the storage unit’s water surface realized (default is 0). Float
15 Psi Optional seepage parameters for soil surrounding the storage unit. Suction head (inches or mm if using metric units). Float
16 Ksat Optional seepage parameters for soil surrounding the storage unit. Saturated hydraulic conductivity  (in/hr or mm/hr if using metric units). Float
17 IMD Optional seepage parameters for soil surrounding the storage unit. Initial moisture deficit (porosity minus moisture content) (fraction). Float
Table L.34: Files
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Operation Set if the interface file is to be used (USE) or saved (SAVE) by a run. Char
2 Filetype

The different types of interface files that are currently available include:

  • RAINFALL: rainfall interface file (USE / SAVE operation)
  • RUNOFF: runoff interface file (USE / SAVE operation)
  • HOTSTART: hot start file (USE / SAVE operation)
  • RDII: RDII interface file (USE / SAVE operation)
  • INFLOWS: routing interface files (USE operation only)
  • OUTFLOWS: routing interface files (SAVE operation only)
Rainfall, Runoff, and RDII files can either be used or saved in a run, but not both. A run can both use and save a Hot Start file (with different names).
3 Filename The name of an interface file. Enclose the external file name in double quotes if it contains spaces and include its full path if it resides in a different directory than the SWMM input file. Char
Table L.35: Options
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Option Keyword (See Table 6.1 for a full list of keywords, associated values, and defaults.) Char
2 Value Value Char
Table L.36: Report
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Format

INPUT specifies whether or not a summary of the input data should be provided in the output report. The default is NO.

CONTINUITY specifies whether continuity checks should be reported or not. The default is YES.

FLOWSTATS specifies whether summary flow statistics should be reported or not. The default is YES.

CONTROLS specifies whether all control actions taken during a simulation should be listed or not. The default is NO.

SUBCATCHMENTS gives a list of subcatchments whose results are to be reported. The default is NONE.

NODES gives a list of nodes whose results are to be reported. The default is NONE.

LINKS gives a list of links whose results are to be reported. The default is NONE.

LID specifies that the LID control Name in subcatchment Subcatch should have a detailed performance report for it written to file Fname.

The SUBCATCHMENTS, NODES, LINKS, and LID lines can be repeated multiple times.
2 Value








LID: Name Subcatch Fname
Table L.37: Title
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Title Any number of lines may be entered. The first line will be used as a page header in the output report. Char
Table L.38: Subcatchments
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Name Name assigned to the subcatchment. Char
2 Rain Gage Name of a rain gage in the RAINGAGES section assigned to the subcatchment. Char
3 Outlet Name of the node or subcatchment that receives runoff from the subcatchment. Char
4 Area Area of the subcatchment (acres or hectares if using metric units). Float
5 PctImperv Percentage of the subcatchment’s area that is impervious. Float
6 Width Characteristic width of the subcatchment (ft or m, if using metric units). Float
7 PctSlope The subcatchment’s slope (percent). Float
8 CurbLen Total curb length (any length units) used to describe pollutant buildup. Use 0 if not applicable. Float
9 SnowPack Optional name of a snow pack object (from the SNOWPACKS section) that characterizes snow accumulation and melting over the subcatchment. Char
10 Subareas_Nimp Manning’s coefficient (n) for overland flow over the impervious sub-area. Float
11 Subareas_Nperv Manning’s coefficient (n) for overland flow over the pervious sub-area. Float
12 Subareas_Simp Depression storage for the impervious sub-area (inches or mm, if using metric units). Float
13 Subareas_Sperv Depression storage for the pervious sub-area (inches or mm, if using metric units). Float
14 Subareas_PctZero Percent of impervious area with no depression storage. Float
15 Subareas_RouteTo IMPERVIOUS if pervious area runoff runs onto impervious area, PERVIOUS if impervious runoff runs onto pervious area, or OUTLET if both areas drain to the subcatchment’s outlet (default = OUTLET). Char
16 Subareas_PctRouted Percent of runoff routed from one type of area to another (default = 100). Float
17 Infiltration_p1

HORTON and MODIFIED_HORTON: maximum infiltration rate on the Horton curve (in/hr or mm/hr).

GREEN-AMPT and MODIFIED_GREEN_AMPT: soil capillary suction (in or mm if using metric units).

18 Infiltration_p2

HORTON and MODIFIED_HORTON: minimum infiltration rate on the Horton curve (in/hr or mm/hr if using metric units).

GREEN-AMPT and MODIFIED_GREEN_AMPT: soil saturated hydraulic conductivity (in/hr or mm/hr if using metric units).

CURVE_NUMBER: no longer used.
19 Infiltration_p3

HORTON and MODIFIED_HORTON: decay rate constant of the Horton curve (1/hr).

GREEN-AMPT and MODIFIED_GREEN_AMPT: initial soil moisture deficit (porosity minus moisture content) (fraction).

CURVE_NUMBER: time it takes for a fully saturated soil to dry (days).
20 Infiltration_p4

HORTON and MODIFIED_HORTON: time it takes for a fully saturated soil to dry (days).

21 Infiltration_p5

HORTON and MODIFIED_HORTON: maximum infiltration volume possible (0 if not applicable) (in or mm if using metric units).

22 Infiltration_Method


If not specified then the infiltration method supplied in the OPTIONS section is used.
Table L.39: Buildup
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Landuse Land use name. Char
2 Pollutant Pollutant name. Char
3 FuncType

Buildup function type.

POW (Power): Min(C1, C2*tC3)

EXP (Exponential): C1(1-exp(-C2t))

SAT (Saturation): (C1*t)/(C3+t)

EXT (External): C1 is the maximum possible buildup (mass per area or curb length), C2 is a scaling factor, and C3 is the name of a Time Series that contains buildup rates (as mass per area or curb length per day) as a function of time.
4 C1 Buildup function parameters (see FuncType). Float
5 C2 Buildup function parameters (see FuncType). Float
6 C3 Buildup function parameters (see FuncType). Float
7 PerUnit AREA if buildup is per unit area, CURBLENGTH if per length of curb. Char
Table L.40: Coverages
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Subcatchment Subcatchment name. Char
2 Landuse Land use name. Char
3 Percent Percent of the subcatchment’s area covered by the land use Float
Table L.41: Landuses
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Name Land use name. Char
2 SweepIntervalDays Days between street sweeping. Float
3 AvailabilityFract Fraction of pollutant buildup available for removal by street sweeping. Float
4 LastSweepDays Days since last sweeping at the start of the simulation. Float
Table L.42: Loadings
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Subcatchment Name of a subcatchment. Char
2 Landuse Name of a pollutant. Char
3 Percent Initial buildup of the pollutant (lbs/acre or kg/hectare). If an initial buildup is not specified for a pollutant, then its initial buildup is computed by applying the DRY_DAYS option (specified in the OPTIONS section) to the pollutant’s buildup function for each land use in the subcatchment. Float
Table L.43: Pollutants
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Name Name assigned to a pollutant. Note, FLOW is a reserved word and cannot be used to name a pollutant. Char
2 Units Concentration units (MG/L for milligrams per liter, UG/L for micrograms per liter, or #/L for direct count per liter). Char
3 Crain Concentration of the pollutant in rainfall (concentration units). Float
4 Cgw Concentration of the pollutant in groundwater (concentration units). Float
5 cii Concentration of the pollutant in inflow/infiltration (concentration units). Float
6 Kdecay First-order decay coefficient (1/days). Float
7 Sflag YES if pollutant buildup occurs only when there is snow cover, NO otherwise (default is NO). Char
8 CoPoll Name of a co-pollutant (default is no co-pollutant designated by a *). Char
9 CoFract Fraction of the co-pollutant’s concentration (default is 0). When pollutant X has a co-pollutant Y, it means that fraction CoFract of pollutant Y’s runoff concentration is added to pollutant X’s runoff concentration when wash off from a subcatchment is computed. Float
10 Cdwf Pollutant concentration in dry weather flow (default is 0). If there is no co-pollutant but non-default values, then enter an asterisk (*) for the co-pollutant name. The dry weather flow concentration can be overridden for any specific node of the conveyance system by editing the node’s Inflows property (see the INFLOWS section). Float
11 Cinit Pollutant concentration throughout the conveyance system at the start of the simulation (default is 0). If there is no co-pollutant but non-default values, then enter an asterisk (*) for the co-pollutant name. Float
Table L.44: Treatment
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Node Name of the node where treatment occurs. Char
2 Pollut Name of pollutant receiving treatment. Char
3 Result

Result computed by treatment function. Choices are:

C  (function computes effluent concentration)

R  (function computes fractional removal)
4 Func

Mathematical function expressing treatment result in terms of pollutant concentrations, pollutant removals, and other standard variables. Treatment functions can be any well-formed mathematical expression involving:

  • inlet pollutant concentrations (use the pollutant name to represent a concentration)

  • removal of other pollutants (use R_ pre-pended to the pollutant name to represent removal)

  • process variables which include:

    • FLOW: for flow rate into node (user’s flow units)

    • DEPTH: for water depth above node invert (ft or m)

    • AREA: for node surface area (ft2 or m2)

    • DT: for routing time step (seconds)

    • HRT: for hydraulic residence time (hours)


Table L.45: Washoff
No.  Default GIS Attribute Name Description Type
1 Landuse Land use name. Char
2 Pollutant Pollutant name. Char
3 FuncType

Washoff function type. Each washoff function expresses its results in different units. Available types:

  • EXP (Exponential): C1(runoff)C2 (buildup) [Mass/hour]. Runoff variable is expressed in catchment depth per unit of time (in/hr or mm/hr if using metric units).

  • RC (Rating Curve): C1(runoff)C2 [Mass/sec]. Runoff variable is in whatever flow units were specified in the OPTIONS section of the input file (e.g. CFS, CMS, etc.).

  • EMC (Event Mean Concentration) C1 [Mass/Liter].




Washoff function coefficients. See FuncType.

EXP: units are (in/hr)-C2 per hour or (mm/hr)-C2 per hour if using metric units.

RC: units depend on the flow units employed.

EMC: concentration units.
5 C2 Washoff function coefficients. See FuncType. Float
6 SweepRmv1 Street sweeping removal efficiency (percent). Float
7 BmpRmv1 BMP removal efficiency (percent). Float