Section 8 Outputs and Check Files
8.1 Additional Options for Record Gauge Data Outputs
The 2023-03 release now allows the user to choose whether to automatically include reporting location lines, reporting location points, and gauge locations (PO ‘G_’ type) when processing gauge receptor objects.
The following command can be used to specify which location types to include:
Or alternatively the following command can be used to exclude types:
The default is to include all reporting locations lines, points, and gauges.
8.2 Time of Max Water Level Switch
The 2023-03 release adds an output switch in the .tcf that gives the user the ability to turn off the “TMax_h” output. This command builds on an existing command:
8.3 Time of Max Velocity Off by Default
For the 2023-03 release, the “TMax_V” output has been switched off by default for TUFLOW Classic outputs to be consistent with TUFLOW HPC. The “TMax_V” output can be turned back on using the following command (available for TUFLOW Classic only):
8.4 File Access Timeout
Improvements have been made to how TUFLOW handles an .xf or .xmdf file that is locked whilst being written to. For both file types, TUFLOW will now repeatedly attempt to access the file.
XF File access
When multiple instances of TUFLOW are running from the same .tcf file (e.g. different events/scenario combinations), it is possible for these separate TUFLOW simulations to try to access the same .xf file at the same time. This could cause a “race condition” where only one simulation is able to open the file. Previously, TUFLOW would issue a dialog with a message that the file is locked. The user could continue once the XF file was no longer in use by another TUFLOW simulation. The 2023-03 release will automatically wait for the file to become free and continue without user intervention.
XMDF File access
When running TUFLOW, XMDF files may become locked due to external use of the file, such as during file backups. The 2023-03 release will wait for the file to become freed up to the maximum number of retries.
The .tcf commands below can be used to modify the number of retries and time to wait between retries. The maximum number of retries is capped to prevent and infinite loops if the file is permanently locked. The commands control behaviour for both .xf and .xmdf files.
8.4.1 Bug Fix for Final SGS Elevation XF File Access
Build 2023-03-AD fixes an issue which could cause the XF file access check to not work correctly for the final SGS elevations (XF file described in Section 2.2.8). This could cause a second simulation trying to write to the same file to pause with a dialogue box.
8.5 Additional Check Grid Formats
All raster output format types are now supported for the check DEMs (DEM_M and DEM_Z). The type can be set using:
8.6 High Resolution Map Output Includes Additional File Formats
All raster outputs now support a high resolution (HR) option, available when using SGS Method C. The below lists the available high resolution outputs which can be added as map outputs types in the .tcf:
Customisation of the HR outputs is also possible for each type:
Note, only depth and water level data types are supported with high resolution map outputs.
8.6.1 Viewing HRNC in TUFLOW Viewer
The TUFLOW Viewer supports NetCDF raster viewing (NC and HRNC). This allows users to easily view and query high resolution temporal results using the same functionality available for XMDF. Please see the following wiki page for more information:
8.7 New Map Output Data Types
8.7.1 HPC Control Numbers
For HPC simulations the three timestep control numbers (Nu, Nc, and Nd) are now available as map output data types. These control number outputs are:
- Nu: Courant Number
- Nc: Shallow Wave Celerity Number
- Nd: Diffusion Number
Note, these are only valid map output data types for HPC simulations, these are not available for Classic simulations. For TUFLOW Classic Courant Number “Cr” output is available. “Cr” map output is not valid for HPC simulations.
Build 2023-03-AF fixes a bug that could output incorrect values for Nu, Nc, and Nd when running a model that did not have any 1D elements (including hidden 1D nodes) in the model.
Build 2023-03-AF also changes the interpolation method for map outputs Nc and Nd when interpolating to cell corners (e.g. like used for the XMDF format) and will now use the maximum of surrounding values rather than the average. This brings the output from HPC in line with Quadtree. This also fixes a bug with the Nc output that could produce NaNs (Not a Number).
8.7.2 New Hazard Output – Auckland Council Hazard NZ
Build 2023-03-AB introduces a new hazard category used by Auckland Council, New Zealand. This is specified with the “ZNZ2” map output data type. The categories are shown in Figure 8.1 and defined as:
Category 1 (Low Safety Risk):
- D*V < 0.4
- V < 3.0 m/s
- D < 0.5 m
Category 2 (Moderate Safety Risk)
- D*V < 0.8
- V < 3.0 m/s
- D < 1.2 m
Category 3 (High Safety Risk)
- D*V ≥ 0.8
- V ≥ 3.0 m/s and D ≥ 0.1m
- D ≥ 1.2 m
Dry points are assigned Category 0.
Figure 8.1: Auckland Council Hazard Output
8.8 Changes to Simulation Computational and Clock Times
For build 2023-03 extra information is output to the simulations.log file and .tlf regarding simulation clock and processor time. Note that the processor time is summed across all threads and includes GPU hardware. If parallel processing is used in model initialisation or solver this number may be larger than clock time.
Prior to the 2023 release the simulations.log file reported, shown in Figure 8.2:
- Total processor time at the end of the simulation – highlighted in red
- Hardware type and number of processor used (CPU or GPU) - highlighted in blue
- Clock time (wall clock or elapsed real time) at the end of the simulation – highlighted in green

Figure 8.2: 2020-10-AF Simulation Log
For the 2023 release this has been expanded to include the clock and processor time after initialisation (the start of the solution) as well as the clock and processor time at the end of the simulation, shown in Figure 8.3. From left to right these are:
- Clock time after initialisation - yellow
- Processor time after initialisation – light blue
- Clock time at end of simulation – green
- Processor time at end of simulation – red
- Hardware type and number of processor used - dark blue

Figure 8.3: 2023-03-AA Simulation Log
The clock and processor times are also reported at the end of the .tlf, shown in Figure 8.4.

Figure 8.4: 2023-03-AA Simulation Log
8.8.1 Changes to Simulation Log Files for 2023-03-AB
Computational processor time is being reported very differently for Windows 11 compared to prior versions of Windows. For earlier version of Windows, the processor time included time spent in GPU computer. For Windows 11, the processor time appears to exclude time spent in GPU calculations. From Build 2023-03-AB if running on GPU hardware the processor time is not reported to the simulations.log file. The processor time is still reported to the .tlf with a note that:
“Processor times may be misleading/inaccurate when using GPU hardware.”
Build 2023-03-AB also includes some minor changes to the formatting of the simulation log file, which includes:
- Extra width allowed for dongle serial numbers
- Better alignment of columns
8.9 Support Added for 2d_glo in HPC and Quadtree
Build 2023-03-AD adds support for the gauge level map output (2d_glo) in TUFLOW HPC and Quadtree. The 2d_glo layer allows users to specify water level triggers at a given location to determine when map outputs are written rather than using a fixed time interval. The trigger levels can be specified by using a list of levels in a referenced CSV, or by using the GIS attributes with a start level, end level, and an increment value. For more information on the 2d_glo layer, refer to Section 9.4.4 of the TUFLOW Manual. Note, the current gauge level will not be reported to the console while TUFLOW is running in HPC or Quadtree.
8.10 Support For “H_” Po Lines Removed
Build 2023-03-AD removes support for plot output (2d_po) water level lines. This has been done due to the perceived instability of a model when viewing the water level line results, as the cells at varying elevations along the line can cause the average water level to appear to bounce as they become wet and dry. This can be more exaggerated with SGS and soil infiltration.
This change has been made to both “H_” types and “HU” and “HD” structure PO line types.
8.11 Minor Enhancements and Bug Fixes
The 2023-03 release includes a range of minor enhancements and bug fixes relating to output and check files.
8.11.1 Checks for Valid Geometries for Plot Outputs
For the 2023-03-AA build, additional checks are performed for plot outputs depending on the GIS geometry. For example, plot output type “Q” (flow) is valid on a line but not a point. Incompatible plot output types will generate either a warning (which is the default) or an error. To set this the following .tcf command can be used:
Note: Build 2023-03-AB fixes an issue which prevented plot output types Qin, Qout and Vol from working with PO regions.
8.11.2 HPC dt.csv Interval Can Now Be Set
The .hpc.dt.csv contains information on the timestep history for HPC (including Quadtree) simulations. Prior to the 2023-03 release this was output at each timestep. For the 2023-03 release the output interval can be set with the .tcf command:
If not set, the default is to use the Screen/Log Display Interval, if set to zero or less the file is supressed and not written.
8.11.3 Bug Fix for Map Output Zones Using Different Map Output Intervals
The 2023-03 release fixes an issue with map output zones that use different map output intervals. Previously, when the output zones had different map output intervals (from other map output zones or the global settings), TUFLOW could fail to write all output times. This could also occasionally cause a ‘Should not be here’ to occur and the model to crash.
8.11.4 SGS Sample Distance Reporting in TLF
The 2023-03 release fixes an issue with the SGS sample distance reporting in the .tlf when the sample distance is less than 0.00001. Previously this would be reported as 0.000.
8.11.5 Limit Number of WARNING 2550 Messages
The 2023-03 release limits the number of WARNING 2550 messages (written at the end of an HPC simulation) to 100. The total number of cells with timestep corrections is still reported.
This limit can be disabled by using the “
8.11.6 2D_WRF Empty File
The 2023-03 release will now write 2d_wrf empty files as part of the following command:
8.11.7 High Resolution Grid Outputs Not Created with Map Output Zones
The 2023-03 release fixes a bug with high resolution grid outputs. Previously, they were not being written when the model contained map output zones.
8.11.8 Time Output Cutoff Logging Fix
The 2023-03 release fixes a bug that could incorrectly report the hazard being used in the “
8.11.9 Mass Error Reporting During Simulation Showing Asterisks
The 2023-03 release fixes the mass error reporting in the simulation window when the mass error equals negative 100%. Previously this would appear as asterisks (******%).
8.11.10 Snapping Settings Added to .qgs File
The 2023-03 release adds snapping settings to the .qgs file (QGIS project workspace) that is written to the log folder as part of a TUFLOW simulation. This fixes an issue that is present in QGIS version 3.26 or later when loading the .qgs file written by TUFLOW. Without snapping settings in the .qgs file, none of the layers written to the workspace would allow snapping.
8.11.11 Duplicate Messages in the messages_P GIS File
The 2023-03 release removes duplicate messages that were written to the messages_P file. For example, CHECK 1206 and CHECK 1625 could be duplicated.
8.11.12 Quadtree zsh_zpt_check Points in Non-Refined Areas
The 2023-03 release fixes an issue in Quadtree models where the points in the zsh_zpt_check_P check file were at spacing that did not match the level of mesh refinement. This issue was limited to Z-shape polygons and only occurred if the polygon was within the hidden domains used by the Quadtree pre-processing engine. This issue did not affect the mesh generation or the results.
8.11.13 Bug Fix for SGS Model Outputs When Cell Averaged Depth Option is Used
The 2023-03 release fixes an issue where a SGS model could output zero depth at the first simulation timestep when “
8.11.14 Fixes an Issue with Viscosity Output Written as Zero
The 2023-03 release fixes an issue with the viscosity output (data type “T”) being written as zero unless the data type “T” was specified for the default map output data types (e.g. Map Output Data Types without format prefix). For example, the following would cause an output of zero viscosity:
The following output settings would correctly output the viscosity.
For the 2023-03 release, if viscosity output is requested for any file formats, this will be correctly pulled from the solver.
8.11.15 HPC Control Number Map Output
The 2023-03 release supports three new output data types in the HPC Solver (including Quadtree):
Nu is the Courant Number, Nc is the Shallow Wave Celerity Number, and Nd is the Diffusion Number. Please refer to for how the control numbers are calculated. The 2023-03 release will also produce WARNING 2386 if the Classic Courant Number (Cr) output is used in a HPC model.
8.11.16 _zsh_zpt Check File for SGS Models
The 2023-03 release fixes a check file inconsistency between SGS Approach Method B and C (see Section 2.2.2). Previously, SGS Method C writes _zsh_zpt check points only if a cell centre, a face mid-points or a corner point is located inside a 2d_zsh polygon. On the other hand, SGS Method B writes _zsh_zpt check points at all the updated SGS cells, faces and corners including the partially updated SGS points. The 2023-03 release now writes _zsh_zpt check points for all the updated SGS points in both SGS method B and C.
In addition, two extra attributes are added to the SGS _zsh_zpt check file. The new attributes include:
- dZ: the change in elevation at the exact location of cell centres, face mid-points or corner points.
- ZExact: the new elevation at the exact location of cell centres, face mid-points or corner points.
- dZmin: the change in minimum elevation inside cells, along faces or at corners.
- Zmin: the new minimum elevation inside cells, along faces or at corners.
- Source: the source file that edits the SGS points.
8.11.17 Extra Checks on File Format Specific Map Output Commands
Build 2023-03-AA introduces checks on file format specific Map Output commands, to ensure that only one file format is specified. For example, the following command Will now produce ERROR 2590:
To apply the same settings to more than one format, the command needs to be repeated for each format, e.g.:
8.11.18 Changes to Processing of Map Output Data Types Command
When processing “
The recommended syntax would be:
8.12 2023-03-AB Minor Enhancements and Bug Fixes
8.12.1 Fix for Quadtree High Resolution Outputs and WLL
Build 2023-03-AB fixes an issue with high resolution output in quadtree models with SGS and water level lines. Previously this could cause the simulation to crash without error.
Build 2023-03-AD fixes a related issue that high resolution output is not generated inside WLL for both HPC and quadtree models.
8.12.2 Reduced Log File when Processing Quadtree Polygons
Build 2023-03-AB reduces the amount of output which goes to the .tlf when processing Quadtree nesting level polygons. Previously, if a significant number of nesting polygons was used then a large amount of output to the log file was included. For 2023-03-AB this output is still displayed to the console, but not to the .tlf unless “
8.12.3 Bug Fix for Integer (Hazard) Grid Outputs
Build 2023-03-AB now correctly outputs integer grids (e.g. certain hazard outputs) as integers rather than decimal numbers. In the 2023-03-AA build this was broken for the FLT format and did not work for the new raster formats (GeoTIFF, GPKG raster). The ASC format worked in the 2023-03-AA build.
8.12.4 Consistent Reporting Location Dry Output
Build 2023-03-AB will now output consistent RL point values across engines for dry cells / nodes. These will now be output with a null value (default value -99999, however can be user set) whenever the output location is dry. Previously Classic and Quadtree would initially report the null value for the first timestep then a zero value for subsequent dry timesteps; HPC and ESTRY would report the bed level.
8.12.5 Bug Fix MIF PLOT output
Build 2023-03-AB fixes a bug introduced in the 2023-03-AA build that would not correctly write the GIS PLOT output layer for the MIF format. This only affected the GIS PLOT output layer (the CSV outputs were correct) which meant that the results could not be viewed in TUFLOW Viewer.
8.12.6 Scientific Notation for PO Outputs
Build 2023-03-AB uses scientific notation for CSV PO outputs when values are very small (i.e. close to zero, not negative values), e.g. groundwater flow outputs.
8.12.7 Scientific Notation for ASC Outputs
Build 2023-03-AB uses scientific notation for ASC grid outputs when values are very small (i.e. close to zero, not negative values) e.g. groundwater unit flow output.
8.12.8 Bug Fix Geometry Type Groundwater Flow Output in TPC
Build 2023-03-AB fixes a bug when writing groundwater PO flow line output to the TPC which was previously listing it as a ‘point output’ (e.g.
8.12.9 Bug Fix Groundwater Vector Grid Outputs
Build 2023-03-AB fixes a bug that could cause groundwater vector grid outputs to write out only null values.
8.12.10 Bug Fix Velocity GIS Map Output
Build 2023-03-AB fixes the velocity output for the GIS map output which was creating an empty output.
8.12.11 Extra Precision in Quadtree uvpt Check File for Form Loss
Build 2023-03-AB allows extra width for the form loss attribute, this has been increased to 4 decimal places in line with the Classic/HPC check file. The form loss values are stored as floating-point numbers, this change only affects the value written to the check files.
8.12.12 TMO Output Changes for HPC Model with SGS
Build 2023-03-AB fixes an issue with the TMO format output for HPC models (without Quadtree) when using SGS. For these models the depth output was being reported relative to the cell minimum elevation (
8.12.13 Duplicated HR Output Message in Log File
Build 2023-03-AB removes duplicated log file messages related to HR Output.
8.12.14 Updated Links to TUFLOW Wiki
An update on the software used to host the TUFLOW wiki website has changed URL links. For example:
has now become:
A re-direct has been setup for existing links / pages, however, messages output for Build 2023-03-AB onwards will use the new wiki URL naming convention.
The TUFLOW wiki update was competed to provide improvements including the ability to have animations within pages.
8.12.15 Warning 3551 now Check 3551
Build 2023-03-AB has changed “WARNING 3551 - SGS elevations have changes, reprocessing”, from a WARNING to a CHECK. The message remains unchanged.
8.12.16 Check 0008 now ERROR 0008
Build 2023-03-AB escalates message “CHECK 0008 -
8.12.17 Check 2099 now Reported to Log and Console
For build 2023-03-AB “CHECK 2099 - Ignored repeat application of boundary to 2D cell” is now output to the .tlf and console, prior to this build only the GIS message layer was written.
8.12.18 Bug Fix for Warning 4020
Build 2023-03-AB fixes a bug that could cause “WARNING 4020 - Should not be here - TUFLOW HPC unused AD BC” to be issued spuriously.
8.12.19 Buffered File Write for .2dm
Build 2023-03-AB uses a buffered file write for the .2dm (2D Mesh file associated with the .xmdf and .dat map output files). This aims to address an issue which could randomly show missing lines from the .2dm file causing it to be incompatible with the .xdmf / .dat file. This issue was quite rare.
With a buffered file write, instead of each line being written to the filesystem as it is processed, these are accumulated in an internal buffer (with a user definable size). As well is increasing robustness, there may also be a small performance improvement with this change. This behaviour can be controlled with the .tcf command:
If this is set to a value of 0 (or less), then buffered writing of the .2dm file is disabled.
8.13 2023-03-AC Minor Enhancements and Bug Fixes
8.13.1 Fix to TMax Output in Output Zone
Build 2023-03-AC fixes an issue where the time of maximum output (Tmax) was not correctly reported for output zones. This issue happened prior to 2023-03-AC if the time of maximum output was requested for output zones only, but not for the entire domain.
8.13.2 Enhancement to Plot Output Memory Allocation
Build 2023-03-AC increased the upper limit of the output data size requested by plot output, which is the number of cells selected by plot output objects (points/lines/regions) multiplied by the number of plot output timesteps. Prior to build 2023-03-AC, memory access violation occurred if the requested output data size exceeds 2,147,483,647, because a 4 byte integer was used for indexing. An 8 byte integer is now used for indexing, and users can selected upto 2,147,483,647 plot output cells and request upto 2,147,483,647 plot output timesteps.
8.13.3 Bug Fix to SGS High-Res Output below Sea Surface Level
Build 2023-03-AC fixes an issue with SGS High-Res water level output below sea surface level. The output value for the cell corner water level has been initiliased as 0.0m, which caused error in water level output for model located below the elevation of 0.0m.
8.14 2023-03-AD Minor Enhancements and Bug Fixes
8.14.1 Bug Fix for PO Online and GPKG
Build 2023-03-AD fixes a bug when using “
8.14.2 Bug Fix and Enhancement for NetCDF Grid Projections
Build 2023-03-AD fixes a bug that was introduced in build 2023-03-AA in which the NetCDF map output grid type (
8.14.3 Bug Fix for Reporting Location RLL_Qmx.csv and RLR_Volmx.csv Outputs
Build 2023-03-AD fixes a bug in the maximum output written for reporting location lines and regions. This bug was introduced in the 2023-03-AA build and could cause incorrect values to be written to the RLL_Qmx.csv and RLR_Volmx.csv files for HPC. Note, this only affected HPC simulations and did not affect reporting location points (RLP_Hmx.csv) or the time series output for reporting locations.
8.14.4 Removes -99999 From Reporting Location Flow Time Series Output
Build 2023-03-AD removes -99999 values from the reporting location line/flow time series output (RLL_Q.csv). A value of -99999 would be output for the first timestep if the reporting location line did not intersect any 1D channels and represent a ‘no flow’ value. Subsequent ‘no flow’ values would use zero. The value of -99999 has been changed to zero for the first time step to apply a consistent approach for ‘no flow’ values within the output.
8.14.5 Error Produced for Duplicate PO Labels for Same Output Type
Build 2023-03-AD will report “ERROR 2599 - Duplicate Plot Output Label / Type combination” when a duplicate PO label is found for the same output type. This error will be reported even if the input geometry is different (e.g. when ‘H_’ point and ‘H_’ line types have the same label) and includes reporting locations (e.g. when RL point and ‘H_’ PO type have the same label).
8.14.6 Plot Output Type ‘Vv’ No Longer Triggers ‘V_’ Output
Build 2023-03-AD fixes a bug that would cause the plot output type ‘V_’ to be output as well if type ‘Vv’ was specified. This only occurred in TUFLOW Classic or HPC (not Quadtree) and will no longer happen in the 2023-03-AD build.
8.14.7 New Plot Output Types Supported in HPC and Quadtree
Build 2023-03-AD adds support for the following plot output types in HPC:
- Vx (point type)
- Vy (point type)
Build 2023-03-AD adds support for the following plot output types in Quadtree:
- Vx (point type)
- Vy (point type)
- QI (line type)
- Qx (line type)
- Qy (line type)
- Qin (region type)
- Qout (region type)
8.14.8 Plot Output WARNING 2476 No Longer Triggered Erroneously
Build 2023-03-AD fixes a bug where “WARNING/ERROR 2476 PO region geometries do not support ‘H’ outputs” would be triggered incorrectly when using plot output region types ‘HMax’, ‘HAvg’ or ‘Vol’.
8.14.9 Bug Fix For Sink-Source (SS) Plot Output Type in Quadtree
Build 2023-03-AD fixes a bug for the sink-source (SS) plot output type in Quadtree resulting in incorrect output values. The output values were not being correctly multipled by the cell areas selected by the polygon region.
8.14.10 Bug Fix for “GRID” Output Format Not Outputting for GeoTIFFs
Build 2023-03-AD fixes a bug where no grids were output when using “GRID” map output format (
8.14.11 Bug Fix for “WRR” Output Crashing With “Should not be here”
Build 2023-03-AD fixes a bug where “WRR” map output (
8.14.12 Bug Fix for High Resolution Grid Outputs with Energy Type
Build 2023-03-AD fixes a bug where specifying energy (“E”) output type for a high resolution grid output, but not for any standard resolution outputs, could cause “Should not be here [i_MxO<=0]” when TUFLOW wrote the maximums grids.
Note, energy is not a supported high resolution grid output type.
8.14.13 Loading Results in TUFLOW Viewer While TUFLOW is Running
Since QGIS 3.30, the XMDF file is locked when opened natively in QGIS or via TUFLOW Viewer. This inhibits the ability to view results while the TUFLOW simulation is running as this can cause TUFLOW to enter a retry loop or even crash. A workaround to this has been implemented in TUFLOW Viewer with the option to copy the results to a temporary location prior to loading into QGIS. The Reload Data Tool has also been udpated to resync changes made to the original file (the file being updated by TUFLOW) with the copied file before reloading the contents in QGIS.
For more information, please see the TUFLOW Wiki.
8.14.14 Spurious Column Removed from PO.csv in Quadtree
Build 2023-03-AD removes a spurious column of data that was being written to the PO.csv output file when the ‘V_’ plot output line type (average velocity along a line) was specified in Quadtree models. The column was written to the end of the PO.csv (i.e. it was the last column) without any header information. The other time series results written to the PO.csv were unaffected.
8.14.15 Bug Fix for Initial Water Level Polygon Missing From QGIS Workspace
Build 2023-03-AD fixes a bug where 2d_iwl input GIS layers would not be written to the QGIS .qgs workspace file (written to the log folder). This would only occur if the 2d_iwl was read into the Geometry Control File (TGC), reading the IWL via the TUFLOW Control File (TCF) did not cause this issue and the 2d_iwl would be correctly added to the .qgs file.
Note, the 2d_iwl would still be processed correctly and this bug only affected the .qgs file.
8.14.16 Bug Fix for 2d_bc_tables_check.csv from Quadtree Containing Garbled Text
Build 2023-03-AD fixes a bug in the 2d_bc_tables_check.csv output from Quadtree that could cause the check file to contain garbled text. This bug only affected Quadtree and only affected the 2d_bc_tables_check.csv and did not affect the calculations or results.
Build 2023-03-AF fixes additional instances where this bug was occurring specific to 2d_rf and global rainfall boundary conditions.
8.14.17 Re-label SA Boundary Time Column in the 2d_bc_tables_check.csv in Quadtree
Build 2023-03-AD re-labels the time column for SA boundaries in the 2d_bc_tables_check.csv file in Quadtree from “Col 1” to “Time (h)”. This is consistent with the check file written by TUFLOW Classic and HPC.
8.14.18 ERROR 0710 Now has Wiki Link
Build 2023-03-AD correctly adds the wiki link for the package model (-pm) function related message “ERROR 0710 - More the 100 input files specified”.
8.14.19 Plot Output Sink/Source Type in HPC Now Correctly Reports Net Flow
Build 2023-03-AD fixes a bug in TUFLOW HPC and Quadtree where the sink/source plot output type (SS) was not correctly reporting the net flow (i.e. source flow minus sink flow). Prior to build 2023-03-AD, sink values were given positive values when summed in HPC and Quadtree results.
8.14.20 Bug Fix for Water Level Output with Thin Breakline
Build 2023-03-AD fixes an issue that occurred in the water level output along thin breaklines when “
8.14.21 Bug Fix for Maximum High Resolution Output
For the default “
8.14.22 Bug Fix for Reporting Location with Restart File
Build 2023-03-AD fixes an issue for reporting water volume inside a reporting location (0d_rl). This issue happened to HPC models that used restart files. Previously, incorrect volumes were reported because un-initialised water depths were used to calculate the volume before the restart file was read.
8.14.23 Bug Fix PO Points With Invalid “Q” Output Crash
Build 2023-03-AD fixes a bug where TUFLOW could crash if a “Q” type output was specified for a 2d_po point. As this is invalid, WARNING/ERROR 2476 (depending on the settings) will be given.
8.14.24 Bug Fix NetCDF Raster Time Issues
Build 2023-03-AD fixes a couple of issues related to NetCDF times. Firstly, changing the NetCDF time unit was not correctly changing the output file. Secondly, the times were not written with sufficient precision to accurately reflect the time value within the TUFLOW viewer.
8.14.25 Bug Fix Grid Ouputs For Map Output Zones
Build 2023-03-AD fixes a stack overflow error that could occur when writing grid outputs for map output zones. This error was introduced in 2023-03-AA.
8.14.26 Bug Fix for Mass Balance Output Interval
When the “Mass Balance Output Interval” command is not defined, TUFLOW HPC uses the “Map Output Interval” and TUFLOW Classic uses the lesser of “Map Output Interval” and the “Time Series Output Interval” as the “Mass Balance Output Interval”. However, if a model didn’t specify a “Map Output Interval” (in HPC) nor the “Time Series Output Interval” (in Classic), the mass balance output wasn’t produced properly prior to build 2023-03-AD. This could cause the model to report zero volume at the end of the simulation and output empty mass balance csv files. Build 2023-03-AD caps the “Mass Balance Output Interval” at “End Time - Start Time” and gives WARNING 2904 to remind users to include at least one the output interval commands above.
8.14.27 Bug Fix for Bed Shear Stress Temporal Output
Build 2023-03-AD fixes a bug introduced in 2023-03-AA build that the temporal output of the bed shear stress (BSS) in Quadtree models was not calculated at wet cells. Note, the maximum BSS output was still calculated correctly.
8.14.28 Second Option now Included in NetCDF Output Time Unit Command
Build 2023-03-AD adds the option to output the NetCDF times (NC and HRNC Map outputs) with the time unit in seconds, using keyword “SECOND”. This option seems to be required for ArcGIS Pro to read these files correctly.
8.14.29 Enhancement to Ignore Time Series Output Interval if not Used
Build 2023-03-AD adds an enhancement that ignores the Time Series Output Interval if it is unspecified when determining an unspecified mass balance interval. Previously, if the mass balance interval was not specified and the model is not using time-series output the default mass balance interval would be set to 1 second causing excessive screen and log output and slowing down the simulation.
8.14.30 Bug Fix for Quadtree Maximum Output
Build 2023-03-AD applies a consistent wet/dry cutoff depth for quadtree and non-quadtree models when outputting maximum results. Prior to this, a quadtree model could produce a slightly smaller maximum extent than what was observed in the temporal output, if the maximum depth was only marginally larger than the cell wet/dry depth (the default value is 2mm).
8.14.31 Bug Fix For Misaligned Columns in the TUFLOW Simulation Log
Build 2023-03-AD fixes some alignment issues that occurred in the TUFLOW simulation log file.
8.15 2023-03-AF Minor Enhancements and Bug Fixes
8.15.1 Enhancment - Faster Writing of GPKG Check and Output Files
Build 2023-03-AF optimised writing of GPKG check and output files, decreasing file writing times. In one test model, the time required to write the grd, zpt, and uvpt check files decreased from 117 seconds to 39 seconds.
8.15.2 Bug Fix - Output Zones Crashing TUFLOW During Pre-Processing
Build 2023-03-AF fixes a bug that could occur when using map output zones that resulted in TUFLOW crashing with an ‘Access violation’ message during pre-processing.
8.15.3 Bug Fix - GIS Grid Output Velocity Vectors
Build 2023-03-AF fixes a bug with the GIS Grid output (
This bug could also have affected WRR velocity outputs.
8.15.4 Open GPKG Layers Committed to Database Before Simulation Starts
Build 2023-03-AF will now commit any edits in open GPKG layers to the GPKG database just before the simulation loop commences. An example of a layer that this affects is the “messages_P” layer, as previous to build 2023-03-AF, users would not be able to view this layer until it was closed (which, for the “messages_P” layer, occurs when TUFLOW finishes).
8.15.5 Message_P Layer is Written To The Database During the Simulation for GPKG
Build 2023-03-AF will now write any messages to the “messages_P” layer straight to the GPKG database while TUFLOW is within the simulation loop. This enables users to periodically check the “messages_P” layer while TUFLOW is running.
8.15.6 Bug Fix for Quadtree Long Profile Outputs (2d_lp)
Build 2023-03-AF fixes a bug in the Quadtree long profile outputs (2d_lp) that could cause “should not be here [qpc_pre_write_lp]” when the long profile results were being written.
8.15.7 Bug Fix PO Region Ground Water Volumne Output (GWVol)
Build 2023-03-AF fixes a bug in HPC and Quadtree where the ground water volume PO region output (GWVol) was not reporting the correct results.
8.15.8 WARNING 2822 Incorrectly Triggering
Build 2023-03-AF stops WARNING 2822 from being incorrectly triggered if the PO region has “GWVol” type.
8.15.9 Corrects Pit_A Check File “Invert” Attribute Name
Build 2023-03-AF corrects the “Invert” attribute name that is used in the pit_A check file. Prior to 2023-03-AF, the invert attribute field would incorrectly be named “N2_Reserve”.
8.15.10 Missing Empty Files
Build 2023-03-AF will now write out the following empty files when the
- 2d_ad_ic - Advection dispersion initial concentration
- 2d_ad_md - Advection dispersion minimum dispersion coefficient
- 2d_sa_po - SA polygon that models infiltration/seepage based on level or flow from somewhere else in the model
- 2d_sa - SA empty now includes points and line geometries in addition to polygons
- 2d_strm - SA streamlines
8.15.11 SGS Cell Averaged Depth for Cell-Centered Map Outputs
Build 2023-03-AF extends SGS cell averaged depth output to cell-centered map outputs, including the ‘CC’, ‘TMO’ and ‘WRC’ types. Prior to this build, the ‘exact’ depth was used for these map output types even if “
8.15.12 TDur Output Enhancement
Build 2023-03-AF changes the tracking of TDur outputs (generated when using the “
8.15.13 Bug Fix for HPC dt.csv Output Interval
Build 2023-03-AF fixes an issue with the HPC timestep history file (HPC dt.csv). If the update interval is not set with the command “
8.15.14 Bug Fix for Map Output Format XMDF SMS Triangles
Build 2023-03-AF fixes an issue with the XMDF SMS Triangles map output which gave cell centre values of 0. This only occurred if no raster map output was specified.
8.15.15 Changes to AD Check File
Build 2023-03-AF has a number of minor changes to the Advection-Dispersion (AD) check file. The _ad_check file changes are:
- ‘SMS grid_ref’ attribute has been removed
- The ‘Initial_Concentration’ attribute name has been shortened to ‘IC_’ to work better with Shapefile format
- If using multiple AD tracers then initial concentration are now output for all tracers
8.15.16 ERROR on SMS High Resolution Output
Build 2023-03-AF will produce an error if the SMS high resolution output is specified (e.g.
8.15.17 Minor TLF Changes
Build 2023-03-AF has the following minor changes to the TUFLOW log file (.tlf):
- Mass balance output settings are now written to the .tlf for HPC/Quadtree (the mass balance output remains unchanged).
- Material specific “Landuse Hazard ID” is no longer output to the .tlf. This output was superfluous as this functionality was never released.
8.15.18 Bug Fix for Groundwater Outputs in Quadtree Model with Multiple Soil Layers
Build 2023-03-AF fixes a groundwater output issue for soil layer 2 and below. Prior 2023-03-AF the soil porosity of the first soil layer was used to calculate the groundwater depth output for deeper layers. The groundwater depth is calculated as the “water content of the layer” (in terms of pure liquid, mm or inch) divided by the soil porosity, so this issue could cause the model write out wrong groundwater depth / level outputs. Note this issue is limited to quadtree models only and does not affect the hydraulic calculation.