Changelog for TUFLOW Plugin v3.5

Release date: 20 Jul 2022

  1. New Features and Enhancements
    1. TUFLOW Viewer - Load Results From TCF - Appended Scenario / Event Names
    2. TUFLOW Viewer - Changed Mesh Format Order in Load Dialog
    3. ARR to TUFLOW - Sets Initial Losses > 72 hrs
    4. Load Layers From TCF = New Raster Options
  2. Bug Fixes
    1. TUFLOW Viewer
    2. Other

New Features and Enhancements

TUFLOW Viewer - Load Results From TCF - Appended Scenario / Event Names

Load results from TCF now finds results that have appended scenario/event names.

TUFLOW Viewer - Changed Mesh Format Order in Load Dialog

The mesh format (extension) order has been changed in the Load Results - Map Outputs dialog so that XMDF is now listed first.

ARR to TUFLOW - Sets Initial Losses > 72 hrs

Sets initial losses > 72hrs to the 72 hr initial loss value.

Load Layers From TCF = New Raster Options

The user now has the option to load rasters, not load rasters, or load them but don’t render them (start unchecked in the Layers Panel).

Bug Fixes


  • Fixes animation export


  • Import Empty - ensures the .prj file of the imported empty is the same as the empty - this was previously implemented but was recently broken in v3.4
  • Configure Project - Was not correctly setting the empty directory in the Import Empty and Insert TUFLOW Attributes tool if the ‘Save to Project’ or ‘Save Globally’ was used in either tool.
  • ARR to TUFLOW - Fixes a bug when selecting ‘Use Event Independent Continuing Losses’ that would cause the variable setting TRD file to become scrambled.