Changelog for TUFLOW Plugin v3.13

Release date: 11 Dec 2024

  1. General Notes
  2. New Features and Enhancements
    1. Utilities Downloader Can be Cancelled
    2. Utility Advanced Tab Supports Multiline Execution
    3. Create Project (Toolbox) - Settings Saved for Import Empty Tool
    4. Create Project (Toolbox) - Tool Dialog Settings are Remembered
    5. Create Project (Toolbox) - TUFLOW Settings
    6. Create Project (Toolbox) - Interactive Domain Creation
    7. Create Project (Toolbox) - Output Formats
    8. Import Empty (Toolbox) - Remembers GPKG Options
    9. Import Empty - Tooltip for SWMM_IU
  3. Bug Fixes
    1. TUFLOW Viewer
    2. Other

General Notes

The following tools have had their beta tag removed:

  • Export Animation
  • Import Empty (toolbox)
  • Create Project (toolbox)
  • Increment File (layer context menu)
  • Increment Layer (layer context menu)
  • Increment Database and Layer (layer context menu)
  • Import FV BC Tide Results

New Features and Enhancements

Utilities Downloader Can be Cancelled

The “Download Latest Utilities from” function can now be cancelled by the user by closing the progress bar. The utility that is actively being downloaded will finish and no more utilities will be downloaded.

Utility Advanced Tab Supports Multiline Execution

The advanced tab will now allow for multiline execution if there are multiple lines in the text box (commands must be separated by a line break).

Create Project (Toolbox) - Settings Saved for Import Empty Tool

The create project tool will now save settings for the import empty tool (i.e. the empty GIS file folder location). Previously this tool only saved settings that would be used by the import empty tool that sits in the TUFLOW Toolbox.

Create Project (Toolbox) - Tool Dialog Settings are Remembered

The create project tool will remember the user preferences for the next time the tool is run.

Create Project (Toolbox) - TUFLOW Settings

Some general TUFLOW settings can now be set via the toolbox. These settings will be written to the template control files (if they are being written). The tool will also now cull unwanted commands from the template control files where it makes sense (e.g. SGS commands will be removed if using the TUFLOW Classic solver).

Create Project (Toolbox) - Interactive Domain Creation

An interactive domain creator has been added so that the user can set this up without having to iteratively run TUFLOW to setup their model domain. The domain settings will be written to the template control files if they are being written out.

Create Project (Toolbox) - Output Formats

Added the ability to set the output formats. These settings will be written to the template control file if they are being written out.

Import Empty (Toolbox) - Remembers GPKG Options

The GPKG options are now saved to the QGIS project and will be automatically populated with saved settings if the tool is loaded again within that project.

Import Empty - Tooltip for SWMM_IU

An empty tooltip has been added for the swmm_iu empty type.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed a bug that could cause a Python error when trying to save a QGIS project after loading a NetCDF Grid maximum result. The error was caused by the “zero time” being set to “None”.
  • Fixed a Python DeprecationWarning warning message.
  • Fixed a Python error that could occur when trying to plot 1D long profiles and more than one result was open and one result didn’t have the selected channel in it.


  • ARR to TUFLOW - Fixed a bug that could occur when processing multiple durations and multiple climate change scenarios.
  • ARR to TUFLOW - Fixed a bug where event names were not being referenced correctly in the output rainfall_losses.trd (it was missing the minute suffix “m” from the names).
  • ARR to TUFLOW - Fixed a minor visual issue where the inflow header names contained a leading space.
  • ARR to TUFLOW - Fixed a bug that would result in a Python error when using climate change scenarios and a user defined initial or continuing loss.
  • ARR to TUFLOW - Fixed a Python ResourceWarning warning message.
  • ARR to TUFLOW - Fixed a bug when using climate change options for catchments in the “Southern and South Western Flatlands (East)” region.
  • ARR to TUFLOW - Now supports pandas version 1.4 or earlier.
  • Convert TUFLOW Model GIS Format - Fixed a bug where the tool would error if it encountered a 1d_nwk layer that was used for an external 1D scheme and the number of attribute fields in the layer was less than a normal 1d_nwk input.
  • GeoPandas - Fixed a bug related to a switch in the library used by GeoPandas. This mostly affects SWMM tools but under certain circumstances caused problems loading the plugin entirely.
  • SWMM Convert to inp - Fixed a bug that prevented SWMM from converting GPKG files to inp files. Sometimes the menu option didn’t show up in the right-click menu and other times there was an error in the conversion process.
  • SWMM Integrity Tools - Prevent error from using cross-section based channels with integrity tools.
  • TUFLOW Utilities - The utility executable locations are now saved after being edited. Previously the path locations would only be saved if the tool ran a utility function (i.e. the paths were not saved if the “Cancel” button was clicked).
  • TUFLOW Utilities - The utility dialog will no longer close on success. A log message will be displayed in the QGIS banner and within the log window on success.
  • Create Project (Toolbox) - Fixed a number of Python ResourceWarning warning messages.
  • Create Project (Toolbox) - The tool will now be stopped if Create Folder Structure is not checked on but either of Create Empty Files or Setup Control File Templates is checked.
  • Create Project (Toolbox) - The tool will no longer overwrite the entire GPKG if the create empties are being run on an existing model location and the GIS format is set to GPKG.
  • Run TUFLOW Simulation - Fixed a bug so that it now correctly runs a TUFLOW FV model without adding the -b flag sets the current working directory to the FVC file.
  • 1D Integrity Tool - The input boxes are now updated if a layer’s name or data source is changed.